Thursday 31 January 2019

How to choose a pharmacy college without losing your mind

Today, there are more pharmacy colleges than ever before. This makes it difficult for aspiring pharmacists to choose an ideal one. Do you want to study at one of the top pharmacy colleges in India too? We are here to help you. Keep reading to find out how to choose a pharmacy college without stressing too much.

1. Figure out what you want

Yes, you want to be a pharmacist. But, what next? Do you want to start working immediately or do you want to pursue a master’s programme? Depending on what your goal is, you can choose a college. For instance, if you want to pursue a master’s degree, look for colleges that offer master and PhD programmes.

2. Decide the amount of time you can invest

A B. Pharm. course is for four years and a diploma for 2.5 years. Before you apply at colleges, decide how much time you can invest. If you want to speed up your learning process and get a degree, look for colleges that offer a Diploma in Pharmacy.

3. Make a list of top 10 colleges

Now that you know your goal and the time you can spend, make a list of colleges that match this criterion. Make sure your list does not include over 10 pharmacy colleges in India.

4. Look for accreditation and recognised colleges

Now you have a list of a few colleges, strike off the ones that do not have accreditation. Accreditation is important because; it helps determine if a college meets the minimum standards of quality. To find out if a college is accredited, visit their website.

5. Check the infrastructure

After striking out colleges without recognition, you will have fewer colleges on your list. Now, it is time to check their infrastructure. To make sure you can make the most of your pharmacy college, it needs to have state-of-the-art infrastructure. To check this, visit their website, campus, social media pages and more.

6. Get in touch with the alumni

By now, you will have 4-5 colleges on your list. These are the colleges that have a good infrastructure and match your requirements. Now, to get a clear idea about every college, get in touch with the alumni. These are the students who have lived there. They will give you honest feedback about the college.

These are some simple tips that can help you find one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, Pune and other cities. Remember, a good college can empower you with the skills and expertise for a successful career. So, make sure you make the right choice!

Wednesday 30 January 2019

How to make the most of your graduation years

Your college years will probably be the most important and memorable years of your life. Here, you will learn how to build a foundation for a strong career and make friends that can last a lifetime. While a few students spend all of their time in a library of one of the best BBA or BCA colleges in Bangalore, others just like to think about the next party.

There is no doubt both of these ways are extreme. To make the most of your graduation years, you need to have a unique blend of the sides. This can help you excel in the classroom and have fun outside it. Want to learn how? We have a few tips that can help you get the most out of your college years. Keep reading to find out how.

1. Consider tutoring your batch-mates

You are likely to have a few subjects which you like the most. If you think you are better in a particular subject than others, consider being a tutor to other students. Explaining the material to someone else can help you remember it better and become a new skill on your resume.

2. Discover your study space

Do you like studying in your dormitory, library or your classroom? To make sure you understand every concept clearly, find the best environment for you to study in.

3. Save your course materials

Once you have completed the first year of your BBA or BCA programme, do not get rid of the study material. You should save some of your previous course material for the next year. You can refer to this material while preparing for a particular subject or tutoring your batch mates on the same.

4. Take part in extra-curricular activities

Colleges are not meant to be about studying all the time. To make the most, take part in extra-curricular activities. This includes college fests, sports, seminars and more. Taking part in such activities can help you get out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities.

5. Exercise and get a good night’s sleep

Another tip that is often overlooked by many college students is exercising and resting comfortably. Working out for at least 30 minutes in the morning and can help you maintain stamina throughout the day. Also, sleeping for a good 8 hours will help your body and mind to take a break and prepare for the next day.

Whether you are studying in one of the BCA or BBA colleges in Bangalore, these tips can be useful for any student out there. Remember, the foundation of a successful career starts at a good college. Hence, you need to make the most of it!

Monday 28 January 2019

5 Reasons Why You Need To Join A Pre University College

Now that your schooling days are coming to an end, it is time to think about what to do next. Should you opt for a diploma? Should you enrol for a part-time course? Should you join one of the best PUC colleges in Bangalore? With so many options out there, you might find it difficult a suitable one. To help you simplify this process, we suggest you join a pre-university college. Keep reading to find out why.

1. Holistic Learning

By studying at a good pre-university college in Bangalore or any other city, you will get a unique blend of academic and practical learning. Right from learning from a well-experienced faculty to attending seminars, you will have everything you need to get closer to your professional goals.

2. A strong foundation

A good college helps you build a strong academic foundation for your professional life. Here, you can learn how to set goals and make plans to achieve them, build a strong network and more. Irrespective of the stream you are studying in, you can get an in-depth understanding of all the core concepts here.

3. Training for entrance exams

If you are planning to study in the Science stream, you probably want to pursue engineering or medical. To study in an engineering or a medical college, you will have to appear for entrance examinations such as NEET and IIT-Jee. Some of the best colleges in Bangalore have a special faculty to prepare students for such exams.

4. Extra-curricular activities

A college should not just be about studying all the time. This is why many colleges offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sports, college fests, and more.

5. Personal and professional development

A pre-university college can be your central hub to grow personally and professionally. Whether it is learning new concepts, finding mentors or enhancing your social skills, you can do it all under one roof.

These are the five reasons you should study at one of the top PUC colleges in Bangalore. If you want to reap these benefits, it is time to start looking for some of the best colleges in and around your city. Start applying and get ready to carve a successful path for your career!

Friday 25 January 2019

5 Signs Physiotherapy is the Only Career You Need

Now that you are coming close to the end of your 12th std, it is time to take the next step. It is time to build a pathway for a successful career. With so many options out there, you might not know where to start. To help you simplify this process, we are here to help you.

Start with making a list of things you are good at. Right from listening to your friends to helping your closed ones, note down all your good traits. You might be thinking, will these traits really help you make a good career? Yes, they can.

Your willingness to help and heal people makes you a prime candidate to become a physiotherapist. By studying at one of the top physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore, you can let your best characteristics shine and help you lead a successful career.

So, do you think this career is the right choice for you? The following are a few signs that can help you decide.

1. You want to heal people

If you want to build a career where you get a chance to heal people, this should be your ideal choice. After studying at a good physiotherapy college, you will have the relevant expertise and skills to understand problems and offer a suitable solution.

2. You are a good listener

Do you like to pay attention to what someone else has to say? Do you like to understand their problem and offer a relevant solution? If you do, this means you are a good listener. One of the prerequisites to become an efficient physiotherapist is to have good listening skills.

3. You are empathetic

This trait goes hand-in-hand with your good listening skills. If you think you are someone who can understand your patients' pain and emotional turmoil, you should consider this career path.

4. You have a sharp eye for noticing an improvement

Improvement does not happen overnight. You should have a sharp eye to notice little chances that contribute to the overall betterment of your patient.

5. You do not want to experience job stagnancy

Do you want a career where you get to work on new challenges every day? If you do, you should study at one of the top physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore or any other city.

Here, you will have 10 patients with 10 different problems. This ensures you offer a different solution to every problem and do not feel saturated.

If you can relate to the signs mentioned above, it is time for you to consider a career in this field. You already have most of the skills. Now, all you need to do is start applying at the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore. All the best!

The Seven Secrets of Surviving in a Nursing College

The four years in a nursing college can be an overwhelming experience. All the assignments, examinations, practicals, internships and long lectures can leave you exhausted. If you are already studying in one of the nursing colleges in Bangalore, you might know what we are talking about.

So, do you want to know how to get through your four-year long experience without too much stress? If you do, we have a few tips for you. Keep reading to know how to survive in a nursing college.

1. Start with setting realistic goals

Before you start studying, set realistic goals for a short period of time. Are you going to get a distinction this semester? Are you willing to participate in extracurricular activities? Make a list of all the things you think you can and want to achieve in one semester.

2. Make a plan

Once you have your goals in place, make a plan to achieve them. You can start with creating a timetable. Make sure this schedule includes your short-term goals for the next six months.

3. Don't miss your lectures

You might often prefer a movie to a long lecture. But, this is where you might go wrong. The best colleges in Bangalore for nursing have a well-trained academic faculty. These faculty members focus on empowering students with an in-depth understanding of the core concepts of nursing. By missing a lecture, you might miss on the important bits.

4. Find out 'why'

Your classroom experience should not be limited to listening to your professor. To ensure you are actually understanding what he is explaining, ask questions. By finding out 'why', you won't have any doubts about that particular topic.

5. A notebook should become your best friend

Whether you are attending a lecture or even performing an experiment, carry a notebook everywhere. Use this for noting down important pointers, formulae, simple tips and more. Once you have all your valuable data in here, go through it once before your exam.

6. Get outside your comfort zone

Your nursing career will be a lot more challenging than your college experience. Hence, you need to start learning from now how to live outside your comfort zone. There will always be something new in store for you. Do not hesitate from taking up a new challenge!

7. Take breaks

To ensure you are understanding all the concepts clearly, you need to keep your mind fresh and active. To do this, incorporate short breaks into your daily schedule. During this break, watch your favourite movie, dance or even read a novel. Remember, take a break before you need one.

These are the seven secrets of surviving in the best nursing colleges in Bangalore, Pune and other cities. By following some of these tips, you will be all set for a memorable nursing college experience. All the best!

Monday 21 January 2019

5 Signs You Should Become a Pharmacist

Are you thinking about what you want to pursue after your 12th grade? Do you see yourself pursuing pharmacy? If you want to study at one of the top pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, but are not sure yet, here are a few signs for you. Keep reading to know about the different signs that can tell whether a career in pharmacy is the right option for you or not.

1. You want to heal people

Do you want a career which allows you to help people? If you do, this is your first sign to become a pharmacist. After pursuing a bachelor's degree in Pharmacy, you can heal your patients by offering the right medication, developing new technologies to alleviate the pain and more.

2. You want to stay away from blood and surgeries

Do you want to work in the healthcare industry, but can't handle blood and all the operations? A programme in pharmacy can be the right option for you. Here, you will have little to no exposure to operation theatres and emergency rooms. So you won't have to worry about seeing or dealing with complex operations.

3. You want to be your own boss

A career in pharmacy opens doors to a wide range of opportunities. You can either work at a healthcare centre or even run your own pharmacy store. By choosing the second option, you get to decide your workplace, timings and more. This can help you maintain a good balance between your professional and personal life.

4. You want to a financially stable career

After pursuing a programme in this healthcare discipline, you will get the skills and knowledge that are required in the market today. Once you have the necessary expertise, you can work for some of the best pharmaceutical companies in this industry. These companies are known to offer jobs that can help you build a financially secure career.

5. You want a career that lets you grow

Do you want a career where you just wake up, freshen up, head to work, back home and then repeat? This kind of a cycle will make your professional life monotonous. To avoid this, you should choose a career path that allows you to learn something new every day. This will eventually help you grow professionally. A career in pharmacy is one of the best options to help yourself learn and grow.

These are the five signs that show you should study at one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore. Start looking for colleges and get ready to lead a thriving yet rewarding career ahead!

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How a Pre-University College takes you closer to your dream career

Now that you are done with your 10th std board exams, it is time to take the next step. It is time to decide what you want to study and become in the future. To do all of this, you need to start looking for the best PUC colleges in Bangalore. A good PUC college can help you carve a clear path that can take you closer to your ideal profession. Keep reading to find out how.

1. A chance to explore

A PUC college in Bangalore or any other city can help you explore a wide range of opportunities. Here, you can select a stream that interests you the most. After this, you can learn the subjects in the respective discipline and get closer to finding what suits you the best.

2. Holistic Development

A good PUC college focuses on helping you build a strong foundation for your career. Here, you won't only spend time studying, but also learning new things that can help you grow personally and professionally. To do this, PUC colleges often offer extra-curricular activities, schedule workshops, informative sessions and more.

3. Networking

A PUC college can be a good opportunity for you to connect with new people. This includes your fellow batchmates and professors. Here, you can also find a mentor who can guide you. You never know, you might connect with interesting people who can help you evolve into a professional.

4. Better job opportunities

A good PUC college in Bangalore, Pune and other cities focuses on giving you an in-depth understanding of every subject. Irrespective of the stream you are studying in, you will have your basic concepts cleared. Once your basics are clear, you won't spend too much time learning and understanding the other concepts taught in your graduation days. This means you will have a complete understanding of every subject by the time you complete your graduation. Employers tend to hire candidates who have a thorough understanding of basic theoretical concepts.

5. Have a memorable college life

By studying at a good PUC college, you will be able to excel at academics as well as enjoy good college life. This kind of campus life will encourage you to push harder for your career goals and make memories that can last a lifetime.

These are the top reasons why you need to study at one of the top PUC colleges in Bangalore or any other city. A good PUC college can be the stepping stone to a bright career.

5 Reasons Why BCA is the Only Degree You Need

The IT industry is booming rapidly in India. According to a report published in The Hindu, this sector is expected to add around 2.5 lakh new jobs in 2019. Thanks to such a tremendous growth rate, many students are planning to study at BCA colleges in Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and other cities. Along with the growth, there are a few other reasons why you should opt for this course. Keep reading to find out why.

1. Demand

As mentioned earlier, there is a huge demand for professionals in the IT and ITES domains. By pursuing a BCA programme from a good college in Bangalore or any other city, you can gain knowledge and skills that are required in the industry today. After completing this programme, you can lead a profession which is in demand.

2. Lucrative career opportunities

This field has a lot to offer when it comes to career prospects. From working as a mobile application developer to a software tester, there are varied options you can explore in this industry. Some of the top opportunities for BCA graduates are System Analyst, Programmer, Database Administrator, etc.

3. Scope

Thanks to the advancement in technology, the scope of computer applications is growing rapidly in India as well as outside. This is because the curriculum of this course is designed to meet the changing requirements in the industry.

4. A decent pay scale

If you have the expertise and skills which is in demand, you are likely to land with a job that pays well. You also won't have to worry about hunting for a job after B.C.A. degree. This is because colleges offer campus placement with the top companies in the market. This can take you closer to working for your dream organisation that pays well.

5. Room to grow and learn

While leading a career in the IT industry, you won't have to worry about stagnancy. This is because this field offers something new to learn always. To grow in this field, you should consider becoming a specialist. You can do this by studying at one of the top MCA colleges in Bangalore, Pune or other cities. A master's degree will help you become an expert, by offering a unique blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.

If you want to a career which helps you grow professionally, is in demand and can pay well, you should start looking for BCA colleges in India. Start applying and get closer to leading a thriving career!

Sunday 13 January 2019

Top skills employers are looking for in Pharmacy students

The pharma industry is one of the top sectors with a bright future in India. If you are planning to take up a course in pharma, you can choose from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or other cities. Several pharmaceutical companies are looking to hire the right pharmacy student. Here are some essential skills that every pharmacy student should have to be considered by an employer.

1.) Attention to Detail
Pharmacy is a very sensitive field and requires very accurate results. There is no scope of error and attention to every detail is a must. While developing a medicine or carrying out research on a particular medicine accuracy and understanding of each chemical is required to the micro level. A pharmacy student who possesses this quality will immediately be considered as a potential candidate for the job.

2.) Management Skills

A good manager knows how to create a strategy and vision for growth. Companies look for a student who can forecast and manage his work in an organised way. Pharmacy professionals also need to supervise a production facility. High-quality supervision will lead to high-quality production of medicines. Hence this is one of the skills set that an employer would definitely look for in a student before hiring.

3.) Ethical Attitude
In pharmacy just like any other industry, ethics play a major role. Strong ethics are an integral part of every pharmaceutical company. A student's ethics towards work and the industry can take him/her long way in this field.

4.) Empathetic
The healthcare industry requires people who can deal with any situation with sympathy. A good pharmacy student will be empathetic towards patients, and people overall as this skill comes in handy when you deal with patients on a day to day basis.

5.) Multitasking
Multitasking is another crucial skill which is expected in professionals working in the pharmaceutical industry. On one hand, they might have to deal with patients while simultaneously they also have to follow the procedures and protocols in place without any error.

There you have it, all the important skills you need to be successful in the pharma industry. If you are a student and are looking for pharmacy colleges in India, you should select the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or any other big city. Pharmacy is a great field to get into and working on the above skills will definitely help you shine in this sector.

Thursday 10 January 2019

5 Signs That Show You Should Study Commerce

Wondering what to study after your 10th std? Should you opt for Science, Commerce, Arts or a diploma? With so many options out there, you might find it difficult to opt for a stream that suits your interest the most. To help you decide if you should study at one of the best BBA colleges in Bangalore, Science or Arts, here are a few tips to help you out. Keep reading to know about the signs that show you should opt for the commerce stream.

1. You like dealing with money

Do you like making a budget, handling your finances and dealing with money? If you do, you should opt for the Commerce stream. Here, you will have various subjects such as Accounting, Taxation, Auditing and others, where you will have to deal with numbers and make calculations.

2. You have a business mindset

Do you like the idea of coming up with innovative strategies to increase your profits and expand your business? Do you want to learn the nitty-gritty of starting and managing a business?  If you do, you should consider studying in a college in Bangalore that offers a BBA programme. Here, you will learn the basic concepts of management, administration and business studies.

3. You want a career that is in demand

Today, the need for business, management and computer skills and knowledge is increasing in the industry. A degree from a good commerce college will empower you with the skills and knowledge which are required in the market. This ensures you domain expertise is in demand. If you think you want such a career, you should pursue your graduation from one of the top commerce colleges.

4. You want to develop a global perspective

Do you want to know and understand what is happening in the around the world? If you want to develop a global perspective, you should start looking for top commerce colleges in Bangalore or in any other city. After completing a degree like BBM (International Business), you will gain the necessary knowledge of the international market.

5. You want to become your own boss

And, lastly, if you do not want to work for anyone and establish your own business, you should pursue a BBA programme from one of the best universities. This degree will provide you with the core concepts of starting and running a successful business.

These are the five signs that show you should study at one of the best B. Com, BBA or BCA colleges in Bangalore. If you think you can relate to these signs, you should start looking for commerce colleges.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Are You Making These Mistakes During Your MBA interview?

You must have read multiple articles online about common questions asked during an MBA interview. You know to answer and what to ask, and you are prepared for it. Now, it is finally time to enter the room and take the next step to get accepted into a college that offers the best MBA courses in Bangalore, Pune and other cities.

During this time, many MBA aspirants tend to get stressed out and make a few mistakes. If you are planning to pursue MBA from one of the top colleges in the country, you should avoid these common mistakes. Keep reading to know more and excel at your MBA interview.

1. Avoiding eye-contact

Not making eye-contact while talking is one of the first things that might spoil your impression. This might make you look like you are low on confidence or do not know the answers. Hence, ensure you maintain eye contact. But, do not stare.

2. Giving a very weak or strong handshake

Before you even start talking, the panel will judge you based on your handshake. A very weak handshake makes you look like you are hiding something and are nervous. On the other hand, holding very tightly or for too long might make you look a little desperate.

3. Talking too much about yourself

Stick to what you've been asked. Talking too much about yourself makes you seem like you are dominating the interview. Also, talking without a break might bore the panel and they might lose interest in what you are saying.

4. Buckling under pressure

The panel might often give you a few situations and ask what you would do in those. This is to check your presence of mind, perspective on different things and capability to solve problems.

Students often feel pressurised, fumble or are out of words. To avoid this, keep yourself composed, calm, think for a moment and only then speak.

5. Being rude

Not answering the question, interrupting, not looking in the eye or not keeping your mobile phone on silent mode; all of these factors make you look rude and not concerned. Remember, manners are essential in professional and academic settings.

These are some of the top mistakes students often make during an MBA interview and which you should avoid. Prepare in advance and inch closer to getting accepted in one of the top MBA colleges in Bangalore, Chennai, and more!

Friday 4 January 2019

6 Qualities of a successful physiotherapist

Today, the demand for physiotherapists is growing tremendously. Thanks to this demand, many students are considering studying at physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore and other cities. With so many physiotherapists out there, how do you make sure you can stand out of the crowd? To do this, you need a unique set of skills and qualities. Keep reading to find out what distinguishes a successful physiotherapist from an average one.

1. Humble

As a physiotherapist, you will have to deal with different kinds of people. Some can be understanding, some can get angry on you and some might be sad because of their problems. To deal with such situations, you need to be very humble and communicate the problem and solution in a manner they understand.

2. Patient

This is probably one of the most obvious traits you should possess to work in the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, not many health professionals have this quality. To make sure your patient gets the most of your treatment and can heal quickly, you need to have patience. Remember, being patient with your patients can put them at ease.

3. Positive

Another important quality you should practice is positivity. A positive attitude helps you look at things from a new perspective. If you want to be successful, you should know how to use your positivity to treat your patients and improve the overall atmosphere of your healthcare centre.

4. Well-organised

Along with treating patients, you will be working on a long list of other things. This includes coordinating with doctors, ordering suitable medicines from manufacturers, guiding your juniors and more. To make sure you can do all of these tasks effectively, you need to know how to be well-organised.

5. Transparent communication

Along with being positive and humble, you need to have transparent communication skills. At times, telling patients the truth about their health might not be easy. But, by communicating the reality to your patients can help them understand their condition better. This will also help them be cooperative when it comes to you treating them.

6. Knowledgeable

Without in-depth knowledge about your domain, you cannot expect to be better than others. Hence, you should complete your degree from one of the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai or any other city. By studying at a good college, you can gain the relevant skills and knowledge required to excel in this field.

These are the six traits that every physiotherapist should possess. With these qualities and a good educational qualification, you will be all set to outshine in the healthcare industry!

Thursday 3 January 2019

5 common mistakes to avoid after your 10th grade

Kudos! You have made it through your 10th-grade board exams successfully. Now, it is time to take the next step: studying at one of the best PUC colleges in Bangalore or in any other city. Like every other student, you are probably excited about your college life and ready to make the most of it. A new institution, friends, teachers, learning pattern and a path to get closer to your dreams; there are varied things to look forward to.

To make all of this possible, you first need to apply and get selected at a good pre-university college. With so many junior colleges out there, it can get difficult to decide a suitable one; and in this process, you might make mistakes. Want to know what these are? The following is a list of top mistakes that students often make while selecting a PUC college. Keep reading to find out what those are and how to avoid them.

1. Waiting till the 11th hour

After completing your board exams, you have at least 3-4 months till your college life begins. Just because you have ample time does not mean you wait till the last minute to apply. By doing this, you will end up going to a college that is just moderate or the easiest one to get in. Remember, a college sets a strong foundation for a strong career. Hence, you need to put in enough efforts to get selected at the best one.

2. Being a follower

It is very obvious to consider a pre-university college, where your friends will be studying at. But, is this a wise decision? Your friends and you might not have the same goal in life. Hence, you should not just blindly follow your peers and select a college that matches with your career goals.

3. Ruling out a college because of its expensive tuition fee

The fee will vary depending on the college. However, this does not mean, you strike out a college because it is out of your budget. Today, many colleges offer scholarships and student loans. You can check if your PUC college has this facility and opt for any of the options.

4. Deciding without visiting

A college can have an amazing website with the best infrastructure. But, is this real? You might never know if you do not go personally and visit the college. By visiting the college, you have a rough idea about its culture, academics, infrastructure and more.

5. Missing the deadline

In the long process of finding and visiting different colleges, many students often miss the deadline for applying. Hence, make sure you note down the last date for registration of the colleges short-listed by you.

If you avoid these mistakes, you will get accepted at one of the top PUC colleges in Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, etc. Remember, a good college will take you closer to your dream career. Hence, make the right choice.

6 traits of a successful pharmacist

Today, the healthcare industry is not complete without pharmacists. From running a medical store and offering the right medication to patients to working in a research centre and making breakthrough innovations, these professionals are required everywhere. If you are planning to study at one of the pharmacy colleges in India and build a thriving career in this field, you need to have a unique skill set. Keep reading to find out what are the traits that distinguish a successful pharmacist from an average one.

1. Attention to detail

A patient's life depends on the medicines and injections provided to him by a pharmacist. As there is no room for error, you need to be extremely accurate. Whether it is understanding the doctor's prescription or measuring the ingredients correctly, you need to be sure about what you are doing.

2. Interpersonal skills

As a pharmacist, you will have to deal with different doctors, patients, medicine manufacturers and more. To deal with all of these smoothly, you need to have good interpersonal skills.

3. Ability to multitask and manage time

Whether you are working in a drugstore or even a healthcare centre, there are varied things you will have to look after. To make sure you complete the different tasks assigned in a day smoothly, you should be able to manage your time and multitask. An effective pharmacist should know how to manage patients, answer phone calls and answer doctors simultaneously.

4. Ability to guide

Once you have some experience working in this field, you will probably have to mentor junior pharmacists. For this,  you should know how to share your knowledge, work on enhancing their skills and offer constructive feedback. Teaching someone something can also be a new way of learning for you.

5. Patience

This is one of the most obvious traits to work in the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, not many professionals practice it. Many patients you interact with will be under stress and have various health problems. As a pharmacist, you need to be patient and understand your patients. Remember, being patient can put your patients at ease.

6. Stay tuned with the latest developments

The healthcare industry has something new coming up every second day. This includes new treatments and medicines. As a pharmacist, you should keep an update about these developments and innovations. This will help you learn more and use the new techniques to help heal your patients and advance your career.

These are a few traits you should possess to become a successful pharmacist. Along with this, you should complete your education from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or any other city. Only when you the right knowledge and skills, you can build a thriving career.