Wednesday 20 March 2019

Everything you need to know about B. Pharm

In India, B.Pharm is one of the most sought after courses. Thousands of students search and apply for the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, Mumbai and other cities. Though, we mustn’t forget that B.Pharm is a very technical course, where students have to learn A to Z about medicines and various other drug uses. So, it is better to know what is in store once you join this course.

The following details are a complete overview of the course, year by year and subject by subject.

What is B.Pharm?

As the name says, B.Sc Pharm is a 4-year undergraduate course in the field of pharmacy. Students learn the properties of medicine, their use and also advice patients on how to consume these medicines. A B.Pharm graduate can either be a pharmacist or counsel patients about the medication.

Curriculum details

We shall assess the curriculum year by year and subject by subject.

1st Year

The subjects in the first year will be an introduction to what lies ahead for the next 4 years. Subjects like Human Anatomy and Physiology, Organic and inorganic chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Pharmacognosy (the study of medicinal drugs obtained from plants or other natural sources.) If it is a pharmacy college in Bangalore, then the regional subject of Kannada will also be introduced. There will also be an introduction to computer science. Practicals will be conducted on the same.
2nd Year

The 2nd year subjects will be more pharmacy focused. Subjects like Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Pathophysiology (the study of disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury.) Practicals will be conducted on the same; students will get a taste of what is to come as a professional.

3rd year

Except for Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, the study of laws regulating the profession of pharmacy in India, the subjects in the 3rd year will be more chemistry centric. The topics will be Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, and Phytochemistry (the study of phytochemicals, which are chemicals derived from plants), Pharmaceutical Engineering, and Pharmacology. Practicals will be conducted on the same.

4th year

Ah, the final year is upon us! In the year that you will graduate, you will have subjects like Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics, Instrumental and Biomedical Analysis, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medicinal Chemistry, and Industrial Pharmacognosy.

You will also have to take two electives - Industrial pharmacy and pharmacy practice.

By now, I hope you got a brief idea about the subjects you will study and the subject you will possibly major in. Possessing this technical knowledge requires a great deal of concentration and hard work. If you can pass out with flying colours from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, you will only have high rewards to reap.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

5 things you need to know about B.Sc. Nursing

A career in nursing is one of the most self-satisfying jobs. To be part of a process which starts from taking care of the patient’s needs to making sure the patient is fully fit is the perfect example of empathy and compassion, which the nurses have in abundance. Hence, more and more students are looking to graduate in B.Sc. Nursing. Today, there are multiple nursing colleges in Bangalore offering this course, that can help students pursue their passion of working in the healthcare sector. Here is a complete overview of what the course is about, what can you learn and what will you gain learning it.

What is B.Sc Nursing?

B.Sc. Nursing is a 4-year undergraduate course which is offered by the best nursing colleges in Bangalore. The program aims to churn out competent nurses and professionals in the healthcare sector.

What will you learn in B.Sc Nursing?

The main aim of this program is to hone the knowledge and skills of students, so that they are competent enough to provide thorough care to the patients and are capable of handling any situation, at any time.

Eligibility criteria

Anybody who has successfully completed their 12th standard with subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology is eligible for this course. You also have to clear an entrance test, which is held between April and June.

Some of the popular entrance exams are AIIMS - (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), B.Sc. Nursing Admission Test, AFMC Entrance Exam, B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam (NUPMET) etc.

Who should pursue this course?    

Everybody wants to serve society in some way or the other. But what if serving society becomes your career? This is what B.Sc. Nursing has to offer. The most celebrated traits of a nurse are their passion to serve ailing people and show compassion while treating them. It is very difficult to find those qualities in any other sector apart from the health care sector. The competition in the corporate sector is so cut throat that empathy is the last quality by the virtue of which it will be known. Nursing is one of the most satisfying careers out there, knowing that you will go home by putting a smile on the patient’s face.

If you have any of these qualities and the burning passion to serve people in a healthy way, you don’t have to think twice before joining this course.

Career prospects and scope

B.Sc Nursing thoroughly prepares you to adhere to all kinds of social and professional obligations at any time for the day. The work profile can be a staff nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist etc and with time and experience, you can go further up the management ladder.

You can also opt for higher studies and do your M.Sc in Biotechnology, nursing, Neuroscience etc.

To sum it up, a career in nursing helps you develop personally and professionally, makes you mentally strong given the difficulty of cases you handle and your work also gives you a lifetime adulation amongst the family members of the patient. If this excites you, to quote Nike, just do it.

Friday 15 March 2019

Why you should join Krupanidhi’s PUC program

A PUC program or pre-degree program is a very important phase in a student’s life. After 10 years of schooling, students venture into the grey area of choosing a career. While some are pretty much clear in their decision, the others remain topsy-turvy. The same can be applied to choosing a college as well.

The importance of the PUC program cannot be underestimated. It acts as a bridge for students to make that important transition from the fun-filled days in school to the career-oriented environment in degree college. It can be a culture shock for some students and as a result, the PUC program has been designed in a way that helps in the smooth transition for students. Keeping this in mind, it is important to choose the right college. Numerous colleges cover this program. However, it is up to the students to choose the best college for them.

One such college is Krupanidhi and its PUC program. Consistently ranked amongst the best PUC colleges in Bangalore, we dwell on why Krupanidhi could be the perfect fit for you.

Courses offered

Krupanidhi offers the following courses in the streams of science and commerce. Students joining these courses will get an overall view about their choice of stream and will get to know the subjects that they will sign up for their degree course in the near future.

Part 1

English (Compulsory)
Language (Any one of the following)- Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Sanskrit, and French.

Part 2

A) Science

PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology
PCMC - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Science
PCME - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Electronics
B) Commerce

CEBA - Computer Science, Economics, Business studies, and Accountancy
MEBA - Basic Maths, Economics, Business studies, and Accountancy
HEBA - History, Economics, Business studies, and Accountancy
SEBA – Statistics, Economics, Bus.Studies and Accountancy

Exposure to multicultural activities

Krupanidhi believes in the overall development of a student. Multicultural activities go a long way in helping students develop skills like teamwork, communication, responsibilities, and empathy. Taking part in these multicultural activities make students responsible for their duties and thus helps them undertake challenges successfully in their personal and professional lives in the future.

Experienced professors

Since establishing in 1985, Krupanidhi’s main objective has been providing quality education to India’s young minds. As a result, the faculty is filled with teachers who have invaluable experience in their respective fields. Krupanidhi makes it a point to provide the students with the best staff who create a compatible environment to practice and bring out their hidden talents. Students are counseled to assist them at any point to make educational training, occupational choices, and manage their careers.

So, if you are looking to join one of the top PUC Colleges in Bangalore, Krupanidhi definitely has to be on your radar. Happy learning!

Thursday 14 March 2019

5 Programming Languages Every BCA Student Should Know

Do you find complex numbers and coding interesting? Are you planning to lead a career in the IT industry? If you are, you should apply to one of the top BCA colleges in Bangalore and learn the best programming languages out there. But, how do you know which one is the best for you? To help you out with this, we have created a list of top five programming languages every BCA student should know in 2019. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Python

Developed in 1991, this is one of the oldest languages for coders. If you are keen on developing video games, websites and software, it is about time you start learning Python. This language was used to build popular platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. Want to create something equally innovative and popular? Apply to a college which has this programme as a part of their curriculum.

2. Java

Almost everyone has heard of this language. Developed in 1995, Java is used for Android and iOS development, Graphic User Interfaces, and more. Wondering why you should learn this language? It is because Java developers are in demand and the language is evolving rapidly. This means you'll have the expertise to develop something which will almost always be in demand.

3. C

Every BCA student learns this programming language during the three years his college. Developed in 1972, C is used for operating systems, software development and hardware. This language was used to build Amazon Kindle, Linux and many more. Some of the top companies who are often hiring C programmers are Amazon, Intel and Dell.

4. C++

This programming language is one of the most challenging yet demanded languages in the industry today. C++ is used for developing operating systems, software, search engines and video games. If you are looking for a language, which sets you apart, this is it. This language was used to develop the giant search engine Google; and Outlook.

5. PHP

PHP is a reasonably recent language developed in 1994. It is used for WordPress Plugins, web development, and creating database-enabled pages. This language is easy to learn and versatile, used by a large community and works well with different databases, images and more. Platforms such as Facebook and WordPress have been developed using PHP.

These are a few languages which are in demand, and you should learn. To do this, you can start looking for a BCA or MCA college in Bangalore. This is because a good college can empower you with relevant expertise to excel in the IT industry. All the best!

5 Things Every Physiotherapist Needs On His Resume

Are you an aspiring physical therapist? Are you studying in one of the top physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore? If you are nodding in approval to these questions, you might want to know what does it take to land with an excellent job in this field. To help you out with this, we have created a list of top five things that every employer is looking for in a physiotherapist’s resume. Keep reading to learn more.

1. An insightful summary

This is the first thing your employers will read and decide if they want to learn about you any further. This is why you need to start with how you can bring value to the particular organisation, your strengths and accomplishments. Make sure you keep this section crisp and precise.

2. Relevant work experience

Almost all employers are looking for candidates who have already worked in some kind of professional setting as it is much easier to train such candidates. So, if you have completed any kind of internship or a part-time job, make sure you mention it. While adding your work experience, add the specific responsibilities, duration and the name of the organisation you worked for.

3. Certifications and awards

Have you completed a certified course while completing your Bachelor of Physiotherapy programme? Have you received any award or recognition while studying in a physiotherapy college in Bangalore? If you have, add it to your resume. At times, the position you are applying for might have specific requirements such as a particular course. By including such details on your resume, your employer will know straight up if you have them.

4. Skills

More than 200 candidates are applying for the same position at the same organisation. So, how do you make your resume stand out? Your skills can be your answer. You need to add something in here which is unique and can help you grow in your career. A few skills which are a must for every successful physiotherapist are an ability to persuade, time management, communication, decision-making and more.

5. Education

And, finally, the most crucial element of your resume is your formal education. If you do not have any relevant work experience, you need a  degree from one of the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore. This can help you get closer to working for your dream organisation.

These are some of the must-have elements for your resume to stand apart. Once you have added all of this, format it and check spelling errors if any. And, you will be all set to apply to the best healthcare centres looking for physiotherapists.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

5 things you can learn in an arts college in Bangalore

Unlike engineering or medicine, art stirs the imagination and gives a sense of wonder. This is why many students want to study at one of the best arts colleges in Bangalore. If you are planning to study at an art school too, you might wonder what you will learn here? Is it going to be just history and languages or something more? To help you out with this, we have created a list of top five things you can learn while pursuing a Bachelor of Arts programme. Keep reading to find out.

1. Harnessing your creativity

If you are willing to study Bachelor of Arts, creativity is likely to be one of your traits. You can be creative at anything; writing, story-telling, and more. A good college will help you enhance this skill. By improving this skill, you will learn how to come up with unique solutions to approach a problem.

2. Developing an unbiased mindset

While studying in an arts college, you will have fellow batchmates with different perspectives on different things. This can be related to how you perform a skit, write an essay or even complete a project. You might be reluctant to accept other ideas initially. This will change eventually, and you will learn how to look at things with a new perspective without making a judgement.

3. Learning the art of self-expression

Any kind of art is a form of self-expression. With every piece you write, talk, or pain, you use your vision, imagination, creativity and sense of the world. And, to help you express yourself freely using any medium, colleges aim to offer a conducive environment. Thanks to this, you will learn how to practise self-expression and master it.

4. Collaborating with like-minded people

While pursuing your degree, you will have to work on group projects. Whether you are writing a script for a skit or broadcasting news, you will have to work with other people. Here, you will learn how to consider new opinions and work on them as a team.

5. Exploring a wide range of career opportunities

Contrary to popular belief, students who complete their graduation in arts can find good career prospects in the corporate world. A few of the career profiles that Arts students can opt for are Writers, Editors, Psychologists, Journalists, PR Executives, News Reporters and more.

These are a few things you can learn in an Arts college. If you are willing to learn any of this, make sure you apply at the best degree colleges in Bangalore or any other city. Start applying and get ready to turn your creativity into a thriving career!

Tuesday 5 March 2019

5 reasons why you should apply at a pharmacy college right away

Do you like learning the science behind creating medicine, understanding its chemistry and how it can affect our health? If you do, you should consider studying at one of the top pharmacy colleges in India. A good college can help you build a strong foundation to understand the basic and advanced concepts of pharmacy and get closer to pursuing your dream career. Along with these, there are a few more reasons why so many students prefer studying in a pharmacy college. Keep reading to find out what those are.

1. A unique blend of theoretical and practical knowledge

10 years ago colleges were just about teaching theoretical concepts. After studying in such colleges, students didn’t know how to apply this knowledge in real-life situations. This is not the same anymore. Today, the best pharmacy colleges in Karnataka offer a unique balance in the way of teaching.

This is why colleges are now providing students with an opportunity to sign up for internships. This will help you understand how to apply your knowledge practically.

2. Explore varied career opportunities

This is another reason why so many students want to study in a pharmacy college in Bangalore or any other city. The ultimate goal of completing an educational degree is to land with a good job. And, this is exactly what a pharmacy degree provides you with. After completing a B. Pharm programme from a reputed college, you can become a:

● Hospital pharmacist
● Pharmacologist
● Toxicologist
● Science Writer

3. Expand your network

Your pharmacy college experience won’t be limited just to the four walls of your classroom. Here, you’ll get varied opportunities to expand your network by attending seminars, conferences, presentations and more. This will eventually help you increase your connections and build an extensive community.

4. Grow personally

It is true a pharmacy college can take you closer to your professional goals. But, it is not limited to this. While pursuing your bachelor’s degree, you will meet people from varied ethnicities, perspectives, and more. These factors will affect how you grow as an individual.

5. Earn well

A career in pharmacy is financially rewarding. After you have completed your degree from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and other cities, you can get placed through campus interviews. This ensures that you are earning well right after completing your degree.

Want to a career that is financially stable and allows you to grow? It is time to look for pharmacy colleges all over the country. Apply and get ready to lead a challenging yet secure career!