Tuesday 3 March 2020

What does life of a PUC student look like

Life of a PUC student
You’ve often heard about the life of a 10th grader, who is just about to begin their board exam with the constant coercion of performing well so that you end up in a higher secondary course, which is suitable for you and in a high school that you like. PUC courses are a building block for your future that provides you with the perfect balance to maintain your grades along with yearly academic projects that drives your enthusiasm to do well in life.

How friends can be your best guide in these two years
As a PUC student you would like to be friends with people who share the same enthusiasm in the pursuit of a positive outlook towards the same goal. They help you share ideas, formulate new and better study plans in order to motivate you to score well in exams.

What is the PUC course all about?
Pre University course offered by puc colleges in Bangalore is one of the famous professional courses in India and across the globe that is equivalent to the high school degree course of XI, XII that ascertains your future course of education. You can choose from subjects ranging from economics, political science, physics , Bio- sciences, etc. A comprehensive study of subjects related to the field of Science, Commerce and Arts is imperative for a student to learn in their plus two in order for them to attain proficiency in their respective subjects. Apart from providing you world class education in your majors, this course diminishes the distance between education in India and lessons taught across the world.

What you would get to learn during the course
It provides you with a hands on training on sharpening your personal skills that requires you to actively build your character through thorough developmental teaching. You learn management skills, develop interpersonal skills and make one ready for the professional world. Acting as a bridge between the professional degree course and high school, this course ascertains the students are given full liberty to choose from the streams they want to attain a professional degree in. It assists you to streamline subjects pertinent to your area of interest and lends you enough resources to guide you towards your goal job.

What the course entails; subjects you will get to choose from
Many state boards require you to qualify a basic entrance test after your 10th boards particular to the Science stream in order for you to take admission in the Sciences stream.
The respective streams requires you opt from
Science stream - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science,  Computer sciences, Statistics
Commerce - Accountancy, Business Studies, Business Organization, Finance , Marketing
Arts - Economics, Geography, History, Statistics, Philosophy, Sociology,
However, in many colleges like the best puc colleges in Bangalore you get to choose from subjects among the three different streams to maintain a diversified course required as a prerequisite for entrance to many Universities outside India. The pros of choosing such a diversified field is that it doesn’t bind you to a specific stream but one gets to delve into multiple course runs. It opens a wide world of avenues to choose from when you try getting admission to colleges abroad.

Monday 2 March 2020

Benefits Of Pursuing A Career In Nursing

Nursing is one of the most admired careers, not only in India but around the globe. It is an integral part of our medical system. The primary role of a nurse is to take care of unwell people with their knowledge of healthcare science. Along with this, the duties of a nurse includes dispensing medicine, operating medical equipment, keeping the patient record, etc. To have a successful career in nursing, one should pursue courses from the best nursing colleges in Bangalore, or elsewhere. In this article, we are going to talk in detail about a few benefits of pursuing a career in nursing.

High Demand

Every year new healthcare centres are sprouting across the nation. But we don't have the nursing professionals that are needed by these health care centres. It is reported that, at present, there is a shortage of 4 lakh nurses. These factors have resulted in high demand for students of the nursing domain.

Job Flexibility

Only a few domains offer the flexibility that the nursing domain provides. You have the freedom to work anywhere you want to work; it can be in India or any nation of your choice around the globe. You can even take a break if you wish to and can get a job quickly whenever want to work again. If you don't want to work full-time, you can work as part-time or temporary hire.

High Salary
Freshers in the nursing domain, on average, earn 1.8 Lakh Rupees per annum. After working for 2-3 years, one can earn 3.6 Lakh Rupees per annum while experienced nurses can earn more than 6 Lakh Rupees per annum.

Variety In Work

A nurse can work in diverse areas. For instance, if critical care is something you are not comfortable in, then you can easily switch to different areas such as trauma care, nursing unit, or psychiatric care, etc. You can also work in different areas if you want, you don't need to stick to a single field.

Making A Difference

The medical personal that has the most direct contact with the patient is a nurse. Nurses are the one who improves the quality of life, the patient experiences in a hospital. The moment when their patient gets well and say thank you before leaving, it gives the nurse a satisfaction none job can offer. Being a nurse is not only about assisting the patient, but it is about making a difference.


Apart from the benefits mentioned above, there are various benefits for nursing domain professionals. One should pursue nursing from the top nursing colleges in Bangalore, or any of your choice of city. As you will not only get a high salary but also gain respect in the nursing domain.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

An overview of a career in computer applications and IT

A bachelor in computer application is a three-year undergraduate course where students get a comprehensive understanding of the basics of computer informatics and technology. It sets up a profound base for students to learn in-depth about Information technology that is on its path of rapid growth. After you graduate from this course, you become adept at the computer systems, computer language, programming, web development and software administration.

To pursue a successful career in this lucrative field, it is ideal to look for the best BCA college in Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai or any other city. The college should provide students with an atmosphere conducive for well-rounded development. It can be achieved by conducting occasional seminars and research projects that train students to exchange ideas and knowledge about the elements of data management and computing.

During the course, you learn about JAVA and J2EE, Linux, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, C++ to impart the knowledge of computer linguistics. It practically arms you with technical programs, which puts the impetus on database management, algorithms and its analysis, computational methods and numerical that are broadly recognized in the digital revolution of the current era.

Students from any stream in their +2 are eligible to pursue BCA in graduation although a few colleges prefer students with a minimum of 50% aggregate.

A BCA degree opens a world of lucrative career opportunities for students. It is advisable to do a three-year masters degree in computer application ( MCA) after BCA however many people opt for an MBA, Master of Information Technology, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application or even MSc in Computer Application instead.

A BCA degree gives you an in-depth understanding of the following programming languages -  
● C#
● C++
● Software
● Circuits

The BCA course constitutes a semester system with modules divided by credit points scores per semester (2 semesters per year). The course subjects for the BCA programme cover the following topics:

1. Business communication
2. Business Accounts
3. Management principles
4. Algorithms and programming
5. Practical computer lab work ( OA+PPA)
6. Organizational behaviour
7. Elementary statistics
8. Practical computer lab work ( CP+ DBMS)
9. 'C' programming
10.  Concepts of database
11.  Structures constituting a file
12.  Numericals
13.  Software Engineering
14.  DS
15.  RDBMS
16.  Networking
17.  Basics of visual
18.  Inventory management
19.  Object-oriented programming (using C++)
20.  Core Java

When planning to pursue a degree to unlock new opportunities in the field of computer applications, we opt for the best BCA course in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata or any other reputed city. It sets a pathway to help gain knowledge and experience while propelling us to new heights.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Everything you need to know about KRUPANIDHI PUC

In India, there is a convenience of choosing a two year course consisting of either Science, Commerce or Arts which would act as a bridge for higher University education. It enables you with a better understanding of the specialization you want to pursue for your career equipping you with a better understanding of specialized subjects. Popularly known as plus-two in India, the two year degree course is awarded by state recognized institutions during the course of which you already predetermined you calling. If you’re someone who is seeking to study further after the completion of your 10+2 with smaller and specific areas of interest, taking this course from either a junior college or high school is imperative for a well rounded development of the student in smaller areas of interest.

Krupanidhi PUC, termed as one of the best puc college in Bangalore, focuses on bridging the gap between secondary syllabi and professional courses which is the cornerstone of well rounded development in someone. After the completion of the course, the student learning Science can partake degree or diploma or vocational courses in various facets of Science and so is the case for Commerce and Arts streams too.

The subjects that combine the Pre-University course entails you to choose from the following:

Part 1

1. English (Compulsory)
2. Language (Any one of the following)- Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Sanskrit and French.

Part 2

A) Science
1. PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology
2. PCMC - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science
3. PCME - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Electronics
B) Commerce
1. CEBA - Computer Science, Economics, Business studies and Accountancy
2. MEBA - Basic Maths, Economics, Business studies and Accountancy.
3. HEBA - History, Economics, Business studies and Accountancy
Apart from rendering educational services for +2 , the college professes training students who are willing to appear for their National Eligibility cum Entrance Test and IIT- Joint Entrance Examinations wherein an entrant can prepare themselves enough to equip themselves for Medical and Engineering professions.

The College administration facilitates the students with proper well equipped laboratory structures to sanction better learning techniques for future betterment.

College Facilities

● Physics Lab
● Chemistry lab
● Biology lab
● Computer lab
● Electronics lab

Physiotherapy - A Remedy Without Medication

“Are you moving poorly because you are in pain? Or are you in pain because you are moving poorly?”


It is the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than using drugs or surgery.

Many students and working professionals have been practising physiotherapy quite seriously.

The education system has noticed this, and few of the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore, Mumbai, Kerala have recognized this. Thus they are offering Undergraduate and Masters Degree in the same.


Following the outbreak of World War 1, the first Physical Therapy school was established at the "Walter Reed Army Hospital" in Washington D.C., followed by the first research on Physical Therapy which was published in March 1921 in the United States.

Modern Physical therapy was established towards the end of the 19th Century, due to events that affected on a global scale, which opened doors for rapid advances in Physical Therapy.


The famous Indian physician, Sushrutra's techniques of proper breathing and physical exercise are in mainstream popularity even today.

There have been written records of the same, where the therapy was used to treat Joint pain problems with the help of water resources, regular messages and muscle stretching.  

So here, we see how physiotherapy in India has had an influence on the techniques than almost any country in the world. Its knowledge has spread across the globe and has found a well-deserved place in Western medicine.


With the completion of 65 years in India, Physiotherapy has been marked as an authentic medical profession.

Making its way from back in the days of 1952, it was with the outbreak in Mumbai, which was caused by Polio. With this in consideration, Mumbai had its first centre for Physiotherapy, which was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Later in 1962, the India Association of Physiotherapist was brought up and is now an official medical body with 30000 well-trained physiotherapists.

Physiotherapy is now being accepted and is given importance just like any other medical cure. It is now considered as one of the mainstream forms of treatment; more holistic, effective and safe compared to few others form of treatment.

Conditions like; joint pains, dislocated shoulder, dizziness and even the smallest of back and headache are looked into with the help of Physiotherapy.


With a minimum intake of medicines and intoxication of drugs, physiotherapy has been proven to be one of the most harmless and cleanest solutions to any physical pain or disability.

Depending on the reason for the treatment, the benefits of physical therapy may vary and have its benefits accordingly.
Below listed are a few most noticeable benefits of physical therapy;

● Reduce or Eliminate Pain
● Avoid Surgery
● Improve Mobility
● Recover from a stroke
● Prevent or Recover from an athletic injury
● Manages age-related issues
● Manages Heart and Lungs disease

After the little knowledge we have gained till now, we can consider physiotherapy as a primary solution to our physical health pains and any disabilities. Physical Therapy has proven itself by giving us expected results, with minimum use of drugs and medications.

Many students have now started to consider this as a primary profession and a noticeable educational course by shortlisting the Top Physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore, Mumbai, Kerala and Cities in the country. 

4 Career Options for Pharmacy Professionals in India

Pharmaceutical Sciences is a wide field of study which integrates fundamental principles of organic chemistry with physical chemistry, engineering, biochemistry, etc. to improve the delivery and understanding of drugs. It is a growing field and many pharmacy colleges in India are providing education in the same field. There is a big career scope for pharmacy graduates here in India and we are here to elaborate the same for you. Listed down below are some career options you may venture into after studying pharmacy.
-Research and Development
This field prospers on research and development and harbors big career opportunities for M.Pharm students and Ph. Ds in their R&D department. Research of new drugs, their formulation, their development, process development, etc. require people who have in-depth knowledge of such things and have invested time in gaining information about the same.
Pharmacists in hospitals are the most trusted and the most informed pharmacists for prescribing drugs. In some western countries, doctors do not prescribe drugs. They only diagnose the problem and the hospital pharmacists prescribe medicines to the best of their abilities. This concept is more popular in the US and Canada, and now gradually, is also gaining popularity in India as well. Here also, pharmacy graduates can cash in on the opportunity and earn good money.
-Production and Manufacturing
Similar to the big pool of opportunities at the R&D department, production and manufacturing units have a huge requirement of pharmacy graduates. Students can get jobs in such companies to get an entry in the industry and gain an ample amount of work experience to later venture into other options. Here, people are required for the production and manufacturing of medical appliances, surgical dressings, ayurvedic medicines, along with cosmetics, dental products, toiletries, etc.
-Pharmaceuticals Marketing
This is one of the most popular professions people choose after studying pharmacy. Pharma marketing involves selling and marketing of new drugs to doctors and increasing their market visibility. In this field, people are often hired as MRs i.e. Medical Representatives by drug companies and are sent in the market to be sold to respective doctors and hospitals.
There are several other fields like Drug Inspectors, jobs in regulatory bodies, Quality checking drugs, etc. in which you can work as a pharmacy graduate. In a nutshell, it is a prestigious profession. Take up a course of your interest from the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or anywhere across the country and become a pharma professional at the earliest

The importance of completing a BCA or MCA degree in India

What is BCA/MCA?

To answer this simply, BCA is Bachelor's in Computer Application and MCA is Masters in Computer Application which is what one takes up if one is interested in and wishes to shine in the field of computers and information technology. Unlike the B.Tech or B.E. course in Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology, students aspiring for a BCA course do not need to have Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in their Class 12th examinations. Students from all fields are eligible for joining the course. However, some basic eligibility criteria for pursuing a BCA course are as follows:

● They should have passed their class 12th with English as a compulsory subject with minimum 45% aggregate marks.
● Some universities admit students purely on merit basis (class 12th examinations) while some others admit students based on personal interviews and entrance examinations.
● Some universities conduct their entrance tests as well.

Career Options for a BCA graduate

After completion of BCA, one is eligible to take up the masters’ degree courses such as an MCA. Taking up a full-time course in the top-rated BCA Colleges in Bangalore, Kolkata, or any other top-rated universities opens numerous prospects for students in the IT industry. Apart from opting for further studies, students also have the option of taking up job roles such as a software programmer, software tester, software engineer, software developer, systems analyst, etc.

The job prospects are very lucrative and a handsome amount to offer even to freshers. BCA's salary in India depends upon the industries, and the companies they are working for. BCA Degree holders who get a job in the various IT departments such as software services, business process management (BPM/BPO), engineering services and computer hardware, draw a salary ranging between 18,000 - 25,000 INR per month. If one has taken up a specialization in a computer programming language like JAVA, Oracle, C++, after BCA graduation, they get a salary of around Rs.25,000/- per month. Salary of experienced BCA candidate ranges up to Rs.30,000/- in India.

Among a plethora of job prospects, the BCA graduates have opportunities falling under various industries such as:
• Banks
• Computers and related electronic equipment manufacturers
• Consultancies
• Desktop publishing
• Financial institutions
• Government agencies

What does the study of MCA offer the students?

If you are someone who wants to further study and do an MCA then it is advisable for you to enrol in a reputed MCA college in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai and other metros. There are plenty of options available for the MCA students as well in terms of job opportunities across the global IT market .

After the completion of their MCA Degree, learners can choose their area of interest and pursue their dreams with full determination. They can either opt for lucrative leadership roles or those who have strong determination to go for fellowships and PhDs can pursue further studies.

Job prospects for MCA candidates are unlimited. Some of them are as follows:
● Software Testing
● Software Developer
● System Analyst
● Software Consultant
● Web Designer & Developer
● Technical Writer
● Hardware
● Networking
● Database

With an MCA degree, you avail both Indian or foreign IT job opportunities. If analysed city-wise Bangalore has the highest return on investment or salary returns for BCA/MCA students of Rs.360,600 average salary per year.

Henceforth, based upon your interest you can opt for the industries where you want to build your career.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Can Physiotherapy be considered a fit career choice?

Tracing back through the history of Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy leads us to ancient Greece in the era of Hippocrates. Considered as one of the oldest methods of curing ailments it has evolved from a simple massage to a sophisticated assortment of therapies - now, having multiple and specialized applications. Making a career out of this is a wise decision because not only it delves into giving your career a great turn but also earns you good money and reputation. A well-rounded graduate in physiotherapy with the relevant and reputable qualifications from a top-notch institute always has the upper hand at jobs in comparison with others.

But why Physiotherapy, you ask? Here's why!

Physiotherapists rehabilitate patients by enabling them to improve their physical movement. Their work involves treating people who are injured or disabled to recover and function normally. It's both cure and prevention-focused and requires in-depth anatomical and musculoskeletal knowledge. Therapy encapsulates, exercise, stretching, medication and massage.

Physiotherapists should keep close physical contact with their patients; they must not shy away from such closeness, or be unwilling to demonstrate exercise methodology. Compassion, empathy, friendliness, excellent communication, and patience are a must.

Now as to why this will give a good direction to one's career is because a healthy life is more important than a luxurious life, and the human body is not just dependent on the medical treatment for recovering from illness. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation of a body for a permanent cure. With the increasing demand for a physiotherapist in health service sectors as well as in the corporate world, the entire profession of physiotherapy has been re-defined. All the big hospitals and health care units in India have physiotherapy departments. This opens ample job opportunities for the fresher's lot who are acquiring a degree in this flourishing subject. The primary aim of Schools of Physiotherapy, and their tradition, is to develop in their students the cognitive and practical breadth required to function as qualified practitioners immediately on graduation, with the capacity to continue to learn and grow.
The career prospects in these fields are ample, and they are listed below for better decision making on your part.

Physiotherapy jobs may be found at:

● community health centres,
● mental health centres,
● nursing homes/private care centres,
● Rehabilitation centres,
● Sports clinics,
● Fitness centres
● Government hospitals
● The Institute of the Physically Handicapped
● Defence establishments
● Teaching establishments
● Individual clinic

Bachelor of Physiotherapy course is offered on a full-time basis which is conducted over four and a half years. Some of the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore are Krupanidhi College of Physiotherapy, Padmashree College of Physiotherapy, Nargund College of Physiotherapy and others. Aiming at the level of interest one can choose between a Bachelor's, Masters or even a Diploma course in Physiotherapy in the best colleges of Physiotherapy in Bangalore.

All the best!