Tuesday 22 February 2022

Nurses: The Backbone of Medicine

 The field of medicine is one sector that will last forever. Medicine is a necessity for people. Healthcare is an essential requirement. Nursing is one of the noblest and oldest of professions, it involves devoting oneself to the care of unwell and ailing people. They act as the link between cases and doctors. Earning a nursing degree gives you the global occasion to develop skills and move into advanced nursing practice. Nursing is among the rapidly- growing health care sector, and it has a burgeoning job opportunity, which makes it really appealing to scholars in search of the best career. The best nursing colleges in Bangalore, aims to assist prospective scholars identify their own capability, planning to study nursing.

Nursing is a career that most people select for. It provides a chance for people to work with the health sector and aid and serve people in need. The demand for quality healthcare has been expanding over the days. Nursing scholars are given sufficient practical training during their program. They're trained to deal with tough and high- threat cases.

Eligibility Criteria of Nursing

For Nursing Undergraduates program: The eligibility criteria for nursing scholars remain the same to a certain extent. The pupil should have finished 10th and 12th from a recognised board or council. They should have acquired a minimum of 50% at the 10+2 level. The scholars should be from the science background. They should have taken Biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics as their main subjects.

For Nursing Postgraduates program: The aspirants should have finished their 10th and 12th from a recognised board. The pupil should acquire a minimum of 50% at the 10+2 level. The pupil should get a degree in the stream of medicine. They should have a B.Sc. degree. At the undergraduate level, the pupil should have acquired 55% or more. Entrance tests determine admissions mainly. Hence, scholars should concentrate on scoring good marks in these examinations.

Essential Skills for Nursing

The nursing industry is largely dependent on proficiency. Nursers need certain expertise to work in this area of medicine.

  • Dexterity- Nurses are required to have skilful hands. Since nursers have to do various procedures that need them to be qualified to work well with their hands, dexterity is significant. They should have sturdy and firm hands and should be fit to perform procedures and tests carefully.

  • Physical Stamina- Nurses work more and spend long hours at work. Most of the time, they've to stand through time- consuming operations. They're needed to see patients regularly. For all this, they need physical strength to stand through physically exercising work.

  • Strong Mental Frame- Nursers work in a terrain that's oftentimes faced with deaths and other similar negative and disappointing experiences. Nurses should be capable of working in painful surroundings. To survive through all this, they need to train themselves to have a strong and balanced mental frame.

  • Presence of Mind- maximum of the work in the medical area are learnt and dealt with spontaneously. Training is generally inadequate to deal with matters that rise in the fields. Nursers should have the capability to respond fast to situations. For this presence of mind is essential, they must know how to deal with difficult situations. 

  • Medical Knowledge-Besides the training that the nursers are given with, they should have essential medical knowledge. They should be aware of various procedures and techniques in the field. This is not for them to carry out operations, but so that they're ready to deal with sudden circumstances.

  • Observational proficiency-The training during nursing programs is learnt largely through observing. The nursing scholars are needed to observe the procedures conducted and learn from them. Their whole training is grounded majorly on observation.

  • Organisational expertise- Nursers deal with a lot of responsibilities. For them to finish the work assigned to them on time, they require it to be organised. They must have the capability to accomplish their task without making miscalculations.

Some significant details about nursing course:

 The need for nursing training has risen dramatically in India as medical facilities have developed. In both government and commercial healthcare facilities, there is always a growing demand for qualified nurses. In India, multiple degrees are awarded for nursing programmes, and candidates are evaluated based on their past academic records. After 12th grade, students can enrol in nursing programmes regardless of their academic background (science or arts). After graduating 10+2, students can choose from a variety of nursing degrees available in India. Students can use this tool to see which courses they are eligible to take. There are some best and well known nursing colleges in Bangalore

After completing the 12th grade, nurses can earn degrees such as GNM, ANM, B.Sc Nursing, and so on. These courses are designed to cover various nursing needs, and a student with a 12th grade diploma can enrol if he or she meets the required qualifying criteria. 

The medical sector does not simply provide courses based on the NEET admission exam. Students who do not make the cut in the NEET UG Entrance exam should not be discouraged because the area of medical education is large and people from all walks of life can pursue it. Here is a full summary of the numerous nursing courses available in India after completing 12th grade, including eligibility requirements and the best nursing institutes.

Work and Job Responsibilities in the Nursing Course 

Nurses are one of the most important components of the country's healthcare and medical systems. They dedicate their lives to helping those who are sick or injured. A nurse understands how to administer an injection, set up saline, and review the patient's medical data to assess his or her health. A nurse's role is to ensure that the patient is properly cared for and that the doctor's instructions are followed. A nurse's duties also include delivering medications and injections, conducting follow-up examinations, and assisting with the patient's general rehabilitation.

Nursing courses after 12th grade teach students not only how to care for patients, but also how to take preventative measures to keep them healthy. After graduating from nursing school, the student can work in any private or public hospital, orphanages, community health centres, nursing homes, old age homes, rehabilitation clinics, industries, sanatoriums, or the military forces. 

After graduating from high school, there are a variety of nursing programmes to choose from. 

Following the completion of Class 12, students can enrol in a variety of Diploma and Degree Nursing programmes. A list of those courses can be found here: 

B.Sc Nursing, GNM ANM

Bangalore the place to pursue BBA

 BBA program in India is an undergraduate course of duration 3- year (6 semesters). The program gives knowledge related to management principles and practises, operations and finance, and many more. This program is an ideal option for scholars who seek to study market impacts, operational administration, and business analytics. In India, the best BBA colleges are in Bangalore.

Bangalore is the primary hub for a variety of industries among which commerce and management trade has been thriving and serves as a gateway for the global business sector. Bangalore is a city with infinite openings. The demand for good and gifted managers is rising and this improves the potential for campus placements for scholars studying BBA in Bangalore. Numerous foreign companies have their headquarters in Bangalore like Infosys, Flipkart, Wipro, Accenture (India), IBM (India), Volvo and so on making campus placements far easier.

BBA is a standout amongst diverse expert degrees to have. This degree has a ton of potential and can yield satisfying and fulfilling professions in the league. Now, the BBA degree is being offered by most institutions and top universities in the nation.

Another favourable thing about BBA is that it allows you to pick various specialisations dependent on your preference. With an away from the subjects that one requires to seek after and the business that one wants to work in, one can pick the BBA specialisations. BBA is a gateway to multiple job prospects worldwide. The demand for the course BBA would no way go down as it has the most secure inflated demand.

To study BBA in Bangalore, the applicant has to clear the higher secondary exam or its substitute from any of the accredited academies in India. Scholars from science & arts stream are also eligible for admission in BBA institutes. The aspirant who wants to follow the program BBA must have finished their 10+2 level from a recognized board with a sum total of 50 of marks. The procedure of the BBA admission process is nearly similar in all the institutes yet it differs from several private institutes. The consequent steps of the admission procedure, like

  • Writing Ability Test

  • Group Discussion

  • individual Interviews

The BBA program extends the most desirable placement prospect compared to other courses. BBA is even considered as a turning point towards pursuing an MBA degree. After graduation, the freshers have several BBA placements offered in diverse fields in private as well as government establishments.

BBA Placements is open and versatile. Being the home of numerous commercial enterprises, Bangalore has prevalent employment openings. The demand for the management graduates has progressed truly high because of the consistent growth in the field of Engineering and Technology. There's a broad range of job openings after completing your degree in BBA like as Finance Manager, Business administration Researcher, Human Resources Manager, Research and Development Manager, Business consulting, Marketing Manager and Many more.

There are numerous number of institutions but the top 10 BBA colleges in Bangalore are

  1. Christ Academy

  2. St Joseph’s College of Commerce(SJCC)

  3. Mount Carmel College(MCC)

  4. Jain University – Centre for Management Studies (CMS)

  5. Presidency College

  6. M S Ramaiah

  7. ISME Bangalore

  8. RV University

  9. JAGSOM(IFIM) Bangalore College

  10. Dayananda Sagar College of Arts & Commerce

Wednesday 16 February 2022

KSM: The MBA college for you

 Krupanidhi School of Management (KSM) was established in the year 2008 and is an essential piece of the ever- expanding Krupanidhi Educational Trust of Bangalore, India. Krupanidhi School of Management is one of the top MBA Colleges in Bangalore. The college aims to empower its pupils with extraordinary educational teaching so that they can rise to greater heights in the commercial world. Due to the quality teaching and well- experienced subject experts at the institution, Krupanidhi School of Management has been constantly placed amongst the best MBA colleges in Bangalore. It focuses on transforming its scholars into the future leaders of tomorrow by enhancing their skills and boosting their competence, confidence and marketability. 

Krupanidhi School of Management offers MBA which is approved by the AICTE. The specialisations offered under the MBA program of KSM are unique and have been designed according to the necessities of the industry. MBA at KSM is a trimester-based program and the literacy is fully practical oriented from the start. The college has subject matter experts who come from renowned universities to spread knowledge in scholars and make the programme a great success. Everyone at Krupanidhi School of Management Bangalore is well apprehensive of the competitive and ever- changing nature of the job market which is why primary significance is given to groom the pupils to face the difficulties awaiting them beyond the campus walls.

KSM’s Mission and Vision is to  Nurture and Craft the Best administrative heads in the Country. deliver the educational excellence and groom scholars to lead, rise and manage firms in the vigorous global economy.

Eligibility criteria, Specialisation & Placements

On the merit of top score acquired by applicants in CAT, XAT, MAT, GMAT, or should have a valid CMAT score written test administered at All India level. Scholars who have finished their UGC recognized Under Graduation degree similar as B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc./ BBA/B. Com etc with at least 50 marks or appearing in the final year of graduation from a recognized university can apply.

  • Healthcare Analytics

  • Marketing

  • International Business

  • Finance

  • Information Technology

KSM Bangalore Average Package and Placements are generally from 8.60 lacs per annum to 18 lacs per annum in areas similar as Marketing, Finance, Operations, OB/ HR, and Business Analytics. Top Recruiters like Hitachi, city union bank, Airtel, Vivo, Jio, ITC, apollo diagnostic.

Key Highlights

  • First institution in India and second in the world to introduce International Healthcare Analytics Student Exchange Programme with the University of Memphis, USA.

  • Subject Matter experts from industry and academia from across the world and from top universities like Carnegie Mellon, Stanford University, Arizona State University, IIMs, and IITs.

  • Industry backed live projects and research from the beginning.

  • Research and creation as part of the programme with industry and academia interface. 

  • Techno- Management Programme with special programs similar as Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Machine knowledge, Deep education, all embedded within the course.

  • Scholar-centric and practical oriented knowledge concentrating on their career growth.

Monday 14 February 2022

Significant information about pursuing MBA in Bangalore

 Because of the abilities acquired during the MBA programme, jobs in a variety of fields and important positions are available. In India, both government and commercial firms offer good MBA opportunities. Marketing, finance, branding, export, and other areas offer excellent MBA job chances. 

MBA Professional Career Opportunities and Job Scope 

In India, an MBA starts at roughly INR 3.0 LPA. Salary packages for MBA students are determined on the major they choose to specialize in. Location, designation, industry, experience, and other factors all have a role in the annual compensation.

For recent MBA grads, the following are some entry-level titles: 

  • Manager of products 

  • Analyst in Finance 

  • Analyst of Business 

  • Analyst, Credit Risk 

  • Manager of Business Development 

  • Supervisor of Marketing 

  • Manager of Human Capital 

MBA graduates can choose from the following job roles after getting some experience: 

  • Manager, Ad Strategy 

  • Officer of Public Information 

  • Head of Marketing 

  • Manager of the Supply Chain 

  • Manager of Brand Collaborations 

  • Manager, Online Marketing

MBA Areas of Recruitment 

MBA positions for professionals can be found in a variety of industries, from FMCG to banking. Below is a list of industries where MBA graduates can find work. 

The following are the places where MBA candidates can be found: 

  • Industry of Retail 

  • Industry of finance 

  • Industry of Advertising 

  • Industry of Information Technology 

  • Agriculture and allied industries 

  • Automobile Manufacturing 

  • Industry of Supply Chain Management 

  • Industry of Health Care

MBA Professionals Salary Packages 

Even though the average MBA income in India is INR 3 LPA, it can rise to INR 7.7 LPA and beyond for highly paid positions, such as those in finance. The following are some of the determining elements that affect MBA graduates' annual pay. 

MBA Institute is a non-profit educational organisation dedicated 

  • Skills in communication 

  • Designation 

  • Industry 

  • Experiential learning 

  • Ability to Communicate 

  • MBA Jobs in Other Countries 

MBA students can pursue a meaningful career overseas in a variety of ways. One thing to keep in mind is that students who obtain an MBA from a reputable international institution are more likely to find work in that country. Alternatively, suitable experience in reputable organisations in India might be gained before applying for opportunities abroad.

Leading Corporations 

Top firms are continuously on the lookout for new and promising MBA professionals who can help them grow. The following is a list of well-known companies to whom MBA students should apply: 

  • Amazon 

  • Kearney, A.T. 

  • Citigroup 

  • Deloitte 

  • JP Morgan Chase & Co. 

  • Walt Disney is a fictional character created by Walt Disney 

  • Goldman Sachs is a financial services firm. 

  • Morgan Stanley is a financial services firm based in 

  • Exceptional Countries 

The following are some of the finest nations for MBA students: 

  • France 

  • Singapore 

  • United Kingdom of Great Britain 

  • Australia 

  • Dubai 

  • Germany 

  • Italy

MBA Students with Various Career Designations Abroad 

KSM is one of the best MBA colleges in Bangalore and with the following designations, Indian MBA students can pursue a profession in another country: 

  • Consultant in Management 

  • Analyst (Business) 

  • Consultant for International Business 

  • Banker specialising in investments 

  • Manager of International Business 

  • Manager of a Global Brand

PUC alternative for 12th

 The Pre-University Course (PUC) is a very common Program of two years' duration, refers to Class 11th and Class 12th and known as 1st PUC and 2nd PUC respectively in the PU Colleges or Junior Colleges and are administered by state education institutions or councils in India. A person asking for admission to an Indian university must pass this course, which can be counted as a degree bridge course to prepare scholars for university education.

Admission to this course is based on marks acquired for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate, rewarded after successful completion of five years of primary schooling, followed by five years of secondary schooling. The Indian education system follows a 10+2+3 (4 or 5) pattern, so that a bachelorette's degree requires a minimum of 10 years of primary and secondary education, plus two years of Higher Secondary Education in academies (education till 12th Grade) or in Junior or PU Colleges (education till 10th Grade and 11th & 12th Grades in PU colleges) in different states, plus either three, four or five years at institute. Colleges extending a pre-university program are known as PU Colleges or Junior colleges in India.

Choosing the right board can surely be extremely important for a kid, in the long run. However, it doesn't signify that that's the only element that matters in the growth of the kid. Scholars ‘career and future entirely depend on their hard work, academy, educators, and parents. It does not actually count if they're on the state board or any other board if they dedicatedly place in the work to achieve their aims.

Bangalore has best Pre-University Colleges educating various programs. Pre-University Colleges (PUC) are the most popular alternative after Xth. After the Xth board examination, the most important test a pupil has to take is for XII. Pre-University Colleges are also known as Junior Colleges in some regions or states of the country.

As soon as the pupils complete their secondary examinations, parents and the pupils start to hunt for institutes. But one has to be really careful in choosing the right board, as this can be the turning point of a pupil’s career.

After finishing the PU course, there are an endless number of openings available for the scholars. However, it should be known that 2013 was the last batch of 2nd PUC state board. Now all pu colleges in Bangalore have switched over to CBSE course and the pupils are educated with books similar to pupils studying under CBSE affiliated institutes. Also, the test is governed by the state board and the result is released by the Pre-University Department, Government of Karnataka.

10 of the best PU colleges in Bangalore

1. St Joseph PU College

2. Mount Carmel College

3. Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College

4. Baldwin Women’s Methodist College (BWMC)

5. Christ Junior College

6. Shri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College

7. Jyothi Nivas Pre-University College

8. M. E. S. Kishora Kendra Pre-University College

9. NMKRV College For Women

10. Krupanidhi Pre University College

Details regarding pursuing physiotherapy course

 Physiotherapy's Application 

In the hospital system, physiotherapy can lead to a range of difficult and intriguing employment. Orthopedics, Geriatrics, geriatrics, cardiorespiratory, and neurology are just a few of the specializations available to physiotherapists. You could potentially pursue a doctorate and work in the field of research. Physiotherapy will continue to expand in the future. Both in India and overseas, it offers a diverse range of job opportunities. There are some best Physiotherapy Colleges in Bangalore where one can pursue the course. 

Duration & Courses 

After completing plus two standards, there is just one program available in India. Students interested in pursuing a career in physiotherapy must have completed 10+2 exams in chemistry, physics, and biology.

In India, there is only one course after 12th grade: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.PT). This training is required for anyone who wants to work in a clinic, hospital, or private practice. 

This course covers a wide range of topics, including cytology, anatomy, human body medical conditions, therapeutic techniques, injuries and surgery, pharmacology, disability prevention, pathology, and rehabilitation. 

You can pursue a master's degree in physiotherapy after getting your bachelor's degree. 


B.PT. (Bachelor of Physiotherapy) – 4 years full-time + 6 months internship 

2 years full-time M.PT (Master of Physiotherapy) 

Acceptance and Eligibility 

The candidate must have passed the examination administered by the different institutions/universities in order to be accepted into the physiotherapy program. You must meet the following requirements in order to be admitted: 

  • Must have reached the age of 17 years. 

  • Must have received at least 50% in the 10+2 examination. 

  • Plus two exams should include physics, chemistry, and biology. 

  • A decent entrance test score is required.

Required Skills 

Subject-matter expertise 

Skills in Communication 

Skills in Management 

Skills in Interaction 


Teamwork abilities Ability to work under pressure 

Skills in Administration 

There is plenty of room for advancement in this position. Your primary role will be as a physiotherapist, and you will be referred to as a doctor first. 

In today's world, people are confronted with a plethora of muscular skeletal problems. We've become accustomed to automatism because life is chaotic. As a result of not exercising our muscles to their maximum potential in our daily lives, we used to suffer from backache, sciatica, lumbago, and other ailments. 

A physiotherapist is a professional who assists in the treatment of certain conditions. A physiotherapist can also be a doctor, physical trainer, or sports coach. 

You can pursue higher education as an M.PT or PhD after completing the course. To collaborate with hospitals, or other healthcare providers and health groups. 

You can work for the Ministry of Sports, a stadium, a hospital, or a healthy society, or you can practice on your own. There is a good chance to go abroad after completing this degree because there are stringent standards in places like the United States, the United Kingdom, and others. 

Rehabilitation centers, schools, industrial health units, the armed forces, and colleges are all possible places to work. 


After earning your physiotherapy degree, you can pursue one of the following specializations: 

  • Physiotherapy for Children 

  • Physiotherapy for Obstetrics 

  • Physiotherapy for athletes 

  • Physiotherapy and Neurology 

  • Physiotherapy for Orthopedics 

  • Physiotherapy for the Elderly 

  • Physiotherapy after surgery 

  • Physiotherapy for the Heart and Blood vessels