Before choosing any stream, it is advisable to do thorough research about it. The research must include things like the subjects you will study, undergraduate career choices, job prospects, etc. It helps in making an informed decision rather than a panicked one.
It is no different when it comes to choosing science. It comprises of technical subjects which requires a strong foundation in maths and some level of conceptual thinking. So there are a few important things to know before pursuing this stream from one of the best PUC Colleges in Bangalore. Let’s take a look at 4 of them.
1. An option between Biology and Computer Science
When you take Science as your stream, you have to choose between PCM-CS and PCM-B. By opting for computer science, you will develop a basic understanding to study future courses like computer science engineer of B.Sc in computer science. By opting biology, you will be eligible for a career in medicine or pharmacy.
Choose the subject that interested you the most in school.
2. Practicals are important
Practicals are very important for a science student as your professors apply theoretical principles that you study in the classroom in the practical laboratory. Hence, being punctual to your practicals will help you greatly during your exams. Therefore, never encourage the thought of skipping it before or after your lectures. Plus, practicals are the most fun part of this stream! Why do you want to miss it anyway?
3. Learn the use of log book
You will be required to do a lot of intense calculations in Physics and Chemistry - both in theory and practical. To make these calculations easier, you have to learn the use of a logarithmic book. As the name suggests, most of the sums will be based on the concepts of logarithms and exponents. By the help of this book, you will be required to find the particular log value of those sums. Log books will be of great use during your exams. These log books will help you in solving sums which are high scoring questions and fetch you good marks.
4. Don’t take your 11th lightly
“Enjoy your 11th and start working hard from 12th”
Never heed to this advice. Your 11th standard acts as a base for all the important concepts that will be repeated in your 12th standard. If you don’t take your 11th seriously, there is a chance that you will struggle to cope with your 12th standard syllabus. Hence, make sure that every basic concept in all the subjects is crystal clear in your mind.
These are the important things you need to know before pursuing science. Joining one of the top PUC Colleges in Bangalore is an important step in your life. By adhering to these tips, you will be well prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. All the best!