Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Scope of Physiotherapy in 2019

When someone says physiotherapy, we don't grasp the broad scope that it offers. We all know physiotherapy is the use of massage, exercises and heat therapy to treat injuries and deformity without the use of drugs and surgery.  But, is it just limited to this? Probably not. If you are planning to study in one of the physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore, you might want to know its scope. What can you do with this degree? Which are the different types of physical therapies? Which specialisation suits you the most? The pointers mentioned below will help you find answers to such questions. Let's get started.


This field deals with the injuries of musculoskeletal systems. It is generally found in the out-patient clinical setting. Several treatments such as therapeutic exercises, muscle reduction, and dry needling are employed to expedite recovery. Specialists in this field are trained in fractures, sprains, back and neck pain, and acute sports injuries.    


One field that you cannot ignore when it comes to the scope of physiotherapy is sports. Sports has been rising in prominence. It is imperative that these players get as least injured as possible. If they get injured, they need to recover quickly. Now, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the physiotherapist. A physiotherapist has to educate athletes to avoid injuries, treat injured athletes and provide them with measures to prevent injuries.


Experts in this field specialise in the management, treatment, and diagnosis of injuries of the pediatric population. The main focus is to relieve the pediatric population of physical disorders. The secondary focus of the experts is to improve motor skills, balance, strength and cognitive abilities through treatments.   

Women's health
It addresses issues faced by women related to childbirth and reproductive system. It also addresses pelvic pain and other problems related to pelvic floor dysfunction. If you are keen on improving women's health and helping them lead a fit lifestyle, you should consider this specialisation.

This is the scope of physiotherapy. Several other fields are involved as well, but we have mentioned the most important ones. There are best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore that offer various courses in this discipline. They can be the perfect place for you to master this practice! We hope this article helps you understand the scope of physiotherapy and its different types. Stay tuned with us to learn more on this subject. Happy learning!

Monday, 24 June 2019

3 degree courses students from any stream can choose

There should be no hard and fast rule that students only have to choose a degree course related to their streams - science, commerce or arts. They should have the freedom to pursue any course that they are eligible for as a serious career option. To encourage this practice, colleges now offer courses that can be pursued by students from any stream. Students from different academic backgrounds can study the same course under one roof and head for careers in different fields.

To help students identify such courses, we have listed down a few.

1. BBA

BBA or Bachelors in Business Administration is a 3-year undergraduate course that equips students with the right knowledge and skills about management, and also thoroughly prepares them for the management world. The BBA course covers all the major courses that come under an MBA - Finance, Operations, Human Resources, and Sales & Marketing. It solidifies the basic concepts of each field in the first year and helps students make an informed decision regarding the subject they want to major in.

Upon completion of the course, BBA graduates will have diverse work profile opportunities in their respective fields. They will receive a starting salary which will range from Rs 4-6 lakhs p.a, which will increase as they gain more experience. So, if you want to pursue a course that lays the base for a future MBA program, apply to the best BBA colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere.

2. BCA

BCA or Bachelors in Computer Applications is a 3-year undergraduate course that teaches students about various computer applications. Since the course is popular among IT aspirants, it focuses on programming languages, networking skills and application packages pertinent to the IT industry.

Upon completion of this course, BCA graduates can expect a starting salary in the range of Rs 3-7 lakhs p.a. The salary will increase on gaining more experience.

So, if students want to graduate in a course that will make them eligible to work in India’s fastest growing sector, apply to the best BCA colleges in Bangalore. 

3. BMS

BMS or Bachelors in Management Studies is a 3-year undergraduate course that teaches students about the various management techniques used in corporate firms. The course is designed to make students learn about managerial skills and management efficiency, while also specialising in a particular area of management. Managerial skills include leadership, problem-solving, team-player etc. These skills help in building a productive work environment in the company. Further, BMS students can also opt to pursue a postgraduate degree in MMS.

In conclusion, these are a few courses students from any stream can choose to pursue. Students graduating from these courses can expect to land good jobs in their respective fields. All the best! 

4 reasons to pursue an MBA in Healthcare Analytics

10 years ago, whenever anyone thought about pursuing an MBA programme, one would often choose Finance or Marketing. This is because these domains were considered a lucrative choice. Is this the same anymore? Not entirely. It is true that the top MBA colleges in Bangalore and other cities offer these MBA specialisations. But, those aren't the only ones. Today, there is a plethora of MBA specialisations, which help individuals pursue a thriving career in different domains; from healthcare to IT. If you are interested in the first domain, you should consider pursuing an MBA in Healthcare Analytics. Keep reading to find out why.

1. Join an ever-evolving industry

According to a report published in the Invest India, the healthcare industry is expected to grow by $ 372 bn by 2022. This is just one report which explains the growth and future of this industry. By pursuing an MBA programme related to this domain, you can build a career in a sector which is in demand and evolving rapidly.

2. Take the next step in your career

Are you already working in the healthcare industry and looking for a way to upgrade in it? If yes, an MBA programme can be your answer. By signing up for this programme, you can get a unique combination of managerial and technical expertise. This blend will help you up your game and step into a managerial role in your organisation.

3. Lead a financially-sound career

The statistics mentioned above prove that there is a huge demand for professionals with a master's degree in Healthcare Analytics. High demand means companies are willing to pay more to those individuals who are competent in this field. This means you will have the chance to lead a financially-stable career.

4. Get global recognition

Do you want your skills and expertise to be recognised internationally? If you do, this is the only degree you should enrol for. This is because there are varied multinational healthcare companies who are looking for such individuals. By completing this MBA programme, you can work for such organisations and even travel abroad.

If you are willing to be a part of a booming industry, advancing your career, earning well and getting global recognition, this is the degree you need. We hope this helps you get a brief understanding of the various benefits of pursuing this programme from one of the best MBA colleges in Bangalore. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have feedback or doubts!

Thursday, 20 June 2019

What are the responsibilities of a Nurse?

Hospitals require nurses for smooth day-to-day operations. Hence, a lot of them recruit students from the best nursing colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere. These students complete a 4-year undergraduate course which equips them with knowledge and skills that make them competent nurses. The competency is also measured by how they perform their daily responsibilities. Let’s take a look at these responsibilities.
1. Patient Care
Once a nurse is assigned to a particular patient, they undertake all the responsibilities of that particular patient. It includes managing their physical needs, treating their health condition and monitoring the patient’s progress. The nurse has to report all these factors to the concerned doctor to aid in the decision-making process.
The nurse has to act in the patient’s best interest throughout the process. To keep them in a good mental state, the nurse is supposed to talk to them in a friendly manner. If they take an interest in the patient’s personal life, the patient feels comfortable around the nurse and develop a bond. This helps in speeding up their recovery.
2. Patient advocacy
Patient advocacy is another important responsibility of the nurse. They are expected to convey all the medical problems a patient is facing to their concerned doctor. Based on the information received, the doctor can make a treatment plan.
Since patients are unwell, they are physically not in a position to convey everything. However, a nurse monitors them 24*7. Thus, they practically know everything about the patient. Therefore, they can convey the medical condition to the doctor. It works in the best interests of all the parties involved.
3. Patient support
Doctors have a lot of patients to treat. Thus, it is impossible for them to give each patient plenty of time. This is where nurses come into the picture. They concisely explain the patient and their family about health problems and subsequent medications.
Even after discharge, the nurses give detailed instructions to the patient’s family about taking care at home. In case a necessary situation arises, they make sure that they are available on the phone.
These are some of the responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital. They will be made aware of it after graduating from one of the nursing colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

3 Interesting career prospects for International Business students

Today, the international business industry has soared like never before. Thanks to globalisation and business-friendly policies, companies are planning to expand beyond the geographical boundaries. Rapid growth calls for professionals who are competent to work in the international market. Thanks to the demand and increasing growth of this sector, individuals are planning to study in one of the top MBA colleges in Bangalore and specialising in International Business. If you are one of these individuals, you might want to know what this degree has in store for you. To help you out with this, we have created a list of top three career prospects. Keep reading to find out which one interests you the most.
1. International Management consultant
This is one of the most common yet comprehensive job profiles when it comes to working in the international market. As a Management Consultant, you will be responsible for researching the market overseas, finding new investment opportunities, studying business practices, creating new policies, making valuable recommendations and more.
2. International Trader
This is another popular choice amongst international business aspirants. This is because an International Trader can work in a wide range of industries. This sector is further divided into bilateral and multilateral trade. As an International Trade specialist, you will be responsible for analysing foreign trade information, evaluating the market and economic factors, obtaining payments from import/ export operations, ensuring you are following the federal and international regulations and more.
3. International HR Manager
As companies are willing to grow beyond the geographical boundaries of their country, they need professionals who are competent to hire and train candidates overseas. This is where International HR Managers come in the picture. As an HR Manager overlooking international operations, you will be responsible for managing workplace diversity, conducting training and development sessions on a global scale, and more. To ensure you can excel as an HR manager, you need to have a strong sense of ethics, communication skills, ability to multi-task, and more.
This is our list of top profiles for all of those who are interested in choosing International Business from one of the many MBA courses in Bangalore. We hope this has helped you get a better understanding of what this degree can offer. Remember, this field is evolving faster than ever. So, you will have many more career options to explore after completing your degree. Happy learning!

5 Reasons to pursue B.Pharm

If you are a student looking to make a career in pharmacy, you should pursue a Bachelors in Pharmacy (B.Pharm). It is a 4-year undergraduate course that teaches you to prepare drugs for various illnesses and deficiencies. Upon the completion of this course, you will be licensed to prescribe suitable drugs.  

To elaborate more on why you should pursue this course from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, here are a few reasons that will cover all your queries in detail. Let’s have a look.

1. It is a good course to study

The fundamental concept of the subjects in B.Pharm is based on chemistry; a subject used in preparing medicines. In addition to this, B.Pharm will also teach you about non-chemistry disciplines like Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, etc. where you can pursue promising careers. Since the course provides such a holistic view of different disciplines, it will give you different career options to choose from. Thus, all the above reasons make a B.Pharm programme a very good option to pursue.

2. Affordable course

Despite ranking amongst the best undergraduate courses in India, the fee for this course is comparatively low. It ranges between Rs 40k and Rs 2 lacs for the entire duration. Plus, graduating in this course from a top pharmacy college will help you get recruited in  good companies. As a result, your ROI will be pretty good.

3. Good career prospects

A degree in B.Pharm allows you to have promising careers in the following fields -

● Healthcare
● Clinical Pharmacy
● Technical Pharmacy
● Research agencies
● Food and drug administration
● Sales and Marketing Department

In the above-mentioned fields, you can have the following profiles

● Analytical Chemist
● Food and Drug Inspector
● Hospital Drug Coordinator
● Drug Therapist
● Regulatory Manager

If you are inclined towards the business side of things, you can register with State Pharmacy Council and open your own chemist shop to sell and stock medicines.

4. Promising Salary trend

Recently, the pharmaceutical industry in India has been growing exponentially, thanks to the implementation of ‘Pharma vision 2020’. Through this initiative, the government aims to make India a place where new drugs are discovered. This announcement has lead to more work opportunities for B.Pharm graduates. As a fresher, you can expect a starting salary in the range from Rs 3 lacs to Rs 6 lacs p.a. With more experience, the salary can grow.

5. The base for higher studies

The subjects you learn in B.Pharm will act as a good base to pursue an M.Pharm, or even a PhD! Look for the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere that offer a masters program.

In conclusion, these are the few reasons to pursue B.Pharm programme. This course  will put you on the path of a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry.

4 major differences between a school and PUC college

If you are a student about to enrol in one of the top PUC Colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere in the stream of your choosing, your life is about to change. You will make the transition from your disciplined school life to the uncharted territories of college life. In this process, you will learn new things along the way but also notice some differences between the two institutions. To give you a brief idea about it, we have listed down 4 major differences between a school and PUC college.

1. You get to choose your subjects

In school, you had to study every subject, whether you liked them or not. However, that equation changes in a PUC college. You will be studying only those subjects specific to the stream you choose. It will not only motivate you to study harder, but you will also enjoy learning them. The subjects will also help you choose the career you want to pursue in the future.

2. You will meet like-minded people

Just like you, there are plenty of other students who will choose the same stream for similar reasons. You can thus forge a bond with your classmates over those reasons and might develop similar interests. You will meet like-minded people that share with you the same passion for the chosen stream. Thus, you will enjoy your time in college and make friends for life.

3. You will be responsible for your decisions

As a school student, your parents and teachers took care of you. But by the time you enter college, you are a teenager. At this point in your life, you are less reliant on your elders. You learn to take important decisions. Choosing your college and stream was one of them, and there will be more. There will be good and bad consequences of your choices. But do not worry; it will only make you wiser in your decision making.

4. Your friends become your closest confidants

Since you will be spending most of the day in college, you will be hanging out a lot with your classmates. You will start to know them through conversations and similar interests, and eventually start to trust them with your secrets. Apart from college hangouts, you will have more freedom to meet them in several social gatherings. In a way, they become your extended family and your closest confidants at the same time!  

These are some of the major differences between school and PUC colleges. Now that you know about them, you will be able to cope with them after joining one of the best PUC Colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere. All the best!

Did you know these types of physiotherapists?

A physical therapist is a medical expert who uses varied techniques to alleviate muscle pain. Whether you have a muscle spasm or you are suffering from arthritis, you will have to visit an experienced and skilled physical therapist from one of the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore to treat you. This is one of the most common ways in which a physical therapist can treat patients. Depending on the kind of problem, the treatment and the expert can differ. If you are planning to lead a career in this field, the different options mentioned below can help you make a suitable choice. Let us look at a few types of physiotherapists which aren’t so common yet exciting.

Physical Therapy for kids

Muscle and posture problems aren’t just common in adults. Today, there are a number of pediatric physical therapists who are responsible for helping adolescents and babies to make the most of their growth and build their muscular and skeletal strength. If you are someone who has a soft corner for kids and are looking for ways to help them and enhance their growth, you should consider choosing this career profile.

Geriatric physical therapist

The stark opposite of the first type; this one focuses on the healthcare of elderly people. As we age, our bones grow brittle, and muscles are rigid and less toned. Due to this, we are more likely to suffer from arthritis, joint replacements, osteoporosis, and others. To cure such problems, we need to consult a geriatric physical therapist. As a Geriatric specialist, you will be mainly responsible for restoring mobility, reducing joint and muscle pain, and improve overall health.

Sports physiotherapy

As the name suggests, this type of physiotherapy is used for treating athletes. By pursuing this area of practice, you will have to work for sports organisations. Here, you will be responsible right from assessing the injury to offering preventive measures to avoid it. If you are keen on working with and for sports enthusiasts, this is the type you should opt for.

This is our list of physical therapy practices which are not known to everyone but have a high demand. We hope this helps you understand the different options for you to explore after completing your degree from one of the physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore. Happy learning!

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Why students should pursue MCA after graduation

After completing their graduation, a lot of students look for a master’s degree to pursue further studies. It could be a course which is niche to their stream or a course which can be pursued by students from any stream. Masters in Computer Application (MCA) falls in the latter category. It is a 3-year course that deals in various aspects of computer applications. The eligibility criteria for this course is qualifying bachelor’s degree in any related field. Therefore, students graduating from B.com colleges in Bangalore or any other bachelor’s degree can pursue this course.

The main question that lingers in their minds is why should they pursue an MCA programme? To answer it effectively, here are some reasons that explain how an MCA programme will be beneficial in the long run.

1. Rise of the IT industry

The IT industry is predicted to show no signs of slowing down in the future. According to IBEF.org, India is the leading sourcing destination across the world, accounting for approximately 55 per cent market share of the US$ 185-190 billion global services sourcing business in 2017-18. In such a thriving market, an MCA graduate can expect to land one of these roles in the IT industry:

● Software developer
● Software engineer
● Web designer
● Software sales engineer
● Mobile app developer
● System administrator

2. Demand for software professionals

With the rise in IT companies, there is an increasing demand for software professionals. Software developers are responsible for designing, installation, testing and maintenance of varied software systems.

Even agencies focusing on web development require software professionals to build websites and mobile apps. If students are competent in programming languages like HTML and PHP, they will be capable to build websites, as well as mobile apps for Android and iOS.

3. Scope and Salary

Most of the jobs in this country are in the IT sector. So, MCA graduates will always find opportunities to work and grow in their career. Since the IT sector will give them new challenges, the experience students will gain in solving them will benefit their professional life.

Reputed IT companies are always looking to recruit fresh MCA graduates. A few of them are:

● TCS – Tata Consultancy Services
● Infosys
● Wipro
● Tech-Mahindra
● Capgemini
● Accenture
● I-Gate
● Oracle

The average pay package of an MCA graduate ranges from Rs 6-8 Lacs. On gaining more experience, the salary is expected to grow through promotions or switching companies.

By pursuing an MCA from one of the best MCA colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere, individuals can avail these fantastic opportunities. It will put them on the path to lead a successful career in the IT industry, India’s fastest growing sector.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

4 Reasons to Study in a Nursing College in Bangalore

Have you just completed your board exams and are wondering what to do next? Should you pursue engineering, nursing, medical or something unconventional? With the number of options available today, anyone is bound to feel overwhelmed. To help you get rid of so many questions and confusion, we are here to help you. We suggest you should consider applying to one of the best nursing colleges in Bangalore. Wondering why you should choose this stream over all the other ones? Keep reading to find out.

1. You get a chance to heal others

Nursing is one of those few professions which allows you to heal others. Once you have completed your bachelor's degree, you will have a chance to make a real difference in your patient's life, bring happiness and help them live a better and healthier tomorrow.

2. Room to grow

Do you want to lead a career where you work on the same kind of tasks day in and day out for the rest of your life? Hopefully, not. By choosing to nurse, you will have the opportunity to grow in your career. You can pursue a master's programme from one of the reputed colleges in this city and evolve into an expert. A master's degree will also allow you to explore different types of career profiles.

3. Never get bored

As mentioned earlier, this career does not allow you to work on the same kind of tasks regularly. Here, you will get to meet several patients with different problems on a regular basis. Thanks to this, you will always have something new or exciting to work on. Nursing can indeed help you bid farewell to a monotonous work life!

4. Explore a wide range of career prospects

Room to grow automatically leads to better job opportunities. With a nursing degree, you can become a Midwifery, work in schools, specialise in children's nursing and more. You will be able to choose a degree depending on your area of interest. What else does one really need?

These are the four primary reasons why you should consider applying to one of the top nursing colleges in Bangalore. Remember, this is a rare profession which allows you to make a difference, earn well, enjoy a work-life balance and grow in your career. So, make sure you make the right decision. All the best!

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Tips for surviving the first year in a physiotherapy college

Master of Physiotherapy is a difficult course. It is challenging to keep up with the transition, and sometimes, it can be too much to handle. In such a case, it is always better to follow a few tips to complete this programme without much stress. To help you out with this, we asked a few of students from the best physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore for some tips and here's what they have to say. Keep reading to learn more.

Don't compare

The most important thing that you'll have to do while studying a Master of Physiotherapy course is not to compare yourself with anyone else. You may have aced your bachelor's degree, but this is a different ball game. You may be a genius, but everyone around you is a genius as well. So you may not stand out as you did in your bachelor's degree. Just do your best and step back.

Ask questions

As mentioned earlier, physiotherapy is not an easy discipline. You must ask questions to your lecturers wherever you feel you're stuck. There are two benefits to asking questions one is your doubts will be cleared and second is that you'll end up being noticed by the lecturer.

Attend lectures regularly

Master of Physiotherapy is not a course you can learn one day before the exam. You have to attend lectures every day, participate in activities and practices, and study every day. Let's be straight forward here. There are no shortcuts to excel in this course. You must grind and work hard.

Revise what you learn every day

As I mentioned earlier, there are no shortcuts while studying this programme. You have to turn day in and day out to lectures and practicals. This doesn't end here. When you go back to your hostel room or home, you must revise everything that you have studied on that day.  


The great Stoic philosopher once said, "Our minds must be allowed a break—once rested, they will rise better and sharper". So, make sure your college life isn't all about 'only study, no play'.  Ensure the breaks are small and not long vacations.   


This is the most difficult subject of Physiotherapy, hands down!. As it is a very confusing subject, you should study it every day. Discuss with your friends, make notes or even reach out to your professors if required.

These are the tips that students in physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore advocate. We hope this helps you out. All the best!

Top colleges offering affordable MBA in Bangalore

Several colleges in India offer an MBA at an expensive cost. At times, one wonders if this cost is really worth it. For frugal people who want to get an MBA degree from one of the top MBA College in Bangalore at an affordable price, there are a few options available for you. Let’s have a look at these colleges
1. Krupanidhi School of Management
Krupanidhi School of Management is one of the top PGDM and MBA colleges in Bangalore. Due to their quality education and well-experienced subject experts, they have been consistently ranked amongst the best MBA colleges in Bangalore.
KSM provides 100% placement assistance and has offered the highest package of 12 lakhs so far. This college also provide international placements to several MBA students.
It provides a PGDM degree in several areas such as Health Care Analytics, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, International Business, Information technology and Banking and Financial services in association with Times Pro. KSM accepts results from exams such as CAT, XAT, GMAT, MAT, CMAT. The fee at KSM is Rs. 975,000 for a PGDM course and Rs. 584,000 for an MBA programme.
2. Indian Business Academy Bangalore
Indus Business Academy (IBA), Bengaluru is one of the top MBA colleges in Bengaluru, which provides placement assistance and an average package of Rs. 6.47 lakhs PGDM students and Rs. 5.75 for MBA. It offers several facilities such as boys and girls hostel, gym, cafeteria, library, auditorium, IT infrastructure, transport etc. The fee at IBA Bangalore for pursuing a PGDM programme is Rs. 9, 75,000.
3. Acharya Bangalore Business School
In 2008, Acharya Bangalore B School (ABBS) began a journey with the establishment of the MBA (Masters of Business Administration) in a sprawling campus. ABBS is recognized with AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and Govt. of Karnataka, additionally with permanent affiliation to the Bangalore University. The average package of ABBS is Rs 4.26 lakhs. The fee at ABBS for MBA is Rs. 8, 10,000.
These are some of the best yet affordable colleges offering MBA courses in Bangalore with a good ROI. As mentioned all these colleges accept scores from significant entrance exams. We hope this helps you out! Please get in touch with us if you have any doubts or feedback! Happy learning.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Here’s how you can have a successful career in clinical pharmacy

After completing your B.Pharm from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere, pharmacy gives you various career options. A career in clinical pharmacy is one of them. Let's take a detailed look at what it is about, the education you require to be eligible and what kind of career you can have in clinical pharmacy.

What is clinical pharmacy?

Clinical pharmacy is a branch where clinical pharmacists provide healthcare and medication to patients. They have to be in constant contact with the nurses, doctors and physicians about the well being of the patient and the quantity of drugs administered to them.

To be eligible for a career in clinical pharmacy, you must graduate with a degree in B.pharm or D.pharm. If students plan to be a clinical pharmacist, they might be required to get a few certificates, which certifies their knowledge in subjects like chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, psychology, and biology.

What skills should you be equipped with?

As you will be dealing with numerous patients and working with a big medical staff; you should have the following skill set

● Ward and patient etiquette  
● Dealing with medical staff
● Writing and understanding medical notes
● Guidelines for prescription or endorsement of drugs
● Prescription screening and monitoring
● Writing on drug (medicine) charts

What are the major job profiles in clinical pharmacy?

In clinical pharmacy, you can work as a Clinical Pharmacist, Biochemist or a Pharmacy Technician. However, since the profile of Clinical Pharmacist is the most sought after, let's talk about it first in detail.

Clinical pharmacists work in hospitals, clinics and other health care settings. They are involved in taking care of care patients. It includes taking rounds from time to time, overseeing their dosage and being in constant touch with the assigned physician. Some of the other responsibilities include

● Reviewing records of patients regularly
● Measuring the effectiveness of the drug administered
● Develop clinical pharmacy programs in compliance with policies and regulations
● Refer patients to concerned physicians depending upon the health problems
● Developing effective medication plans involving appropriate drug dosage
● Keeping documentation of patient's medication and progress

Given the high demand for clinical pharmacists in hospitals and clinics, you will be well paid for your services.

Now, let's talk about the other two job profiles. A Biochemist studies the behaviour of cells and how certain drugs work on them, while a Pharmacy technician works under a licensed pharmacist to fill prescriptions for customers or patients.

Now that you have a detailed overview of a career in clinical pharmacy, you can undoubtedly consider venturing into it after graduating from a pharmacy college in Bangalore or elsewhere. All the best!