Wednesday 30 October 2019

What are the Must-Have Skills to be a Kick-ass Physiotherapist?

Are you interested in a career in physiotherapy? Before you enter this (or some other ) career, take some time to review the abilities to succeed in the field. After becoming a physiotherapist, you will be helping people to live their life by reducing their body movement-related issues. That is no small job and certainly not one to be taken lightly, so ensure you possess the required skills and then embark on the journey to sustain a career in physiotherapy.

We're listing three must-have skills for physiotherapists. Read about these skills, and decide whether you are inclined to enhance, identify what abilities you currently possess.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking can be understood as the ability to examine and evaluate a situation to provide a judgment or suggestion on an activity. In physiotherapy, the evaluation is of the client body movement; the decisions would be the diagnosis of the issue or limits, and events, are the recommended treatment plan. On the other hand, the value of critical thinking in physiotherapy doesn't stop there.

Physiotherapists also need to examine their clients! For a treatment strategy to indeed be effective, the client has to perform the exercises, but others are picky about what they will do and that not everybody wishes to pursue the recommended guidance. A successful physiotherapist chooses a strategy that the client will want to follow.

Critical thinking can be an inherent and trained skill. If you already have a strong ability to see think critically, then keep using your mind this way to keep it fresh! Otherwise, you can also learn this skill in the field by joining the best physiotherapy college in Bangalore.

Physical Awareness

Physical awareness skills determine it's possible to serve your clients better and ensure they get the aid they require. You must combine a keen sense of touch and knowledge of your body to improve your ability. Physical education and awareness can be learned, and the sense of touch could also be honed with time and experience.

In realistic terms, this skill could be labeled as "the ability to feel and heal things with your hands." Physiotherapists must not only possess the knowledge of how the body can and should move but also the ability to feel when that is or is not the case for a client.

Maybe it's time to search for a few new career ideas if you are not interested in work that involves these skills.

Communication Skills

A lot of people feel like having excellent communication skills is impossible unless you're an established reader, a writer, or even a public speaker, but that's not the situation. Anyone can have practical communication skills; it can also be learned. If you're not that great in communication, you can learn it by joining any course or institution, as well.

The basic and advanced levels of English are not always fun to learn, but the constructions in these classes will teach you many skills for getting a great communicator. Don't miss the opportunity to start this skill young. Consider a communications course if you are out of college.

However, if you're sure of pursuing a career in physiotherapy, then you must consider getting registered to some best physiotherapy college in Bangalore. By doing so, you will be trained appropriately about physical awareness, critical thinking, and communication skill that any kick-ass physiotherapist must-have.

Thursday 24 October 2019

How will a B.Pharm benefit your career

As a science student, you have different career options in front of you. From engineering to medical, there is no shortage of wise career-options. However, a lot of your decision-making should lie on your subject of interest. If chemistry interests you, then a career in Pharmacy is for you. In that case, you should opt for a three-year B.Pharm course from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or other cities.

Here's how a B.Pharm will benefit your career.

1. Provides complete pedagogy

A B.Pharm course integrates chemistry with non-chemistry disciplines such as Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, etc. It gives you theoretical and practical know-how of each discipline and how they impact the pharmaceutical industry. By providing you with such a holistic understanding, B.Pharm promotes a complete pedagogy where it promotes practical exposure to the theoretical knowledge learned in classes. As a result, you will gain confidence in pursuing a career in the discipline of your choice.

For all the above reasons, opting for B.Pharm as your undergraduate course is an excellent option.

2. Good return on investment

While B.Pharm ranks amongst the best undergraduate courses in India, the fee for this course is surprisingly low. It ranges between Rs 40k and Rs 2 lacs for three years. However, graduating in this course can land you a good job profile in a promising domain.

A degree in B.Pharm allows you to have promising careers in the following fields -

● Healthcare
● Clinical Pharmacy
● Technical Pharmacy
● Research agencies
● Food and drug administration
● Sales and Marketing Department

In the fields mentioned above, you can have the following profiles -

● Analytical Chemist
● Food and Drug Inspector
● Hospital Drug Coordinator
● Drug Therapist
● Regulatory Manager

If you are inclined towards the business side of things, you can register with State Pharmacy Council and open your own chemist shop to sell and stock medicines.

Therefore, this course provides an excellent Return on Investment (ROI).

3. Promising salary trend

Thanks to the implementation of 'Pharma vision 2020', the pharmaceutical industry in India has been growing exponentially. Through this program, the government is encouraging home-grown pharmaceutical labs and companies, for the discovery of new drugs. As a result, more and more B.Pharm graduates are in demand. Therefore, as a fresher, you can expect a starting salary in the range from Rs 3 lacs to Rs 6 lacs p.a. By gaining more experience, you will see an increment in your CTC every passing year.

4. A platform to pursue higher studies

If you wish to pursue higher studies after graduation, the subjects in B.Pharm will act as the perfect platform to pursue an M.Pharm or even a Ph.D. Look for the best Pharmacy Colleges in India where you can opt for a master's program.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Everything you need to know about Bachelors of Arts (BA)

The changing perception of Arts as a stream embodies the progressive mindset shift in India’s educational domain. Gone are the days when students looked at Arts as a last-ditch career option. With so many specializations to choose from, studying from the best Arts colleges in Bangalore will give you an equal opportunity to lead a prosperous course. One such course that provides these specializations is Bachelors of Arts (BA).

Here’s all you need to know about this course.

1. What is Bachelors of Arts? (B.A.)

Bachelors of Arts (BA) is a three-year undergraduate course that comprises of various disciplines and subject combinations in Liberal Arts and Humanities.

To be eligible for this course, you must successfully pass your 12th or equivalent examination from a recognized education board. You can be from any stream and still pursue this course. Usually, the required passing percentage is a minimum of 50%, but the criteria may vary from institute to institute.

The fee for this course ranges from Rs 10k to 30k for three years.

2. What are the subjects you can specialize? 

You can further divide B.A. into two types - B.A. General and B.A Hons.

A general B.A. course gives you an overview of various subjects such as English, Political Science, History, and Sociology etc. It lets you pick a second language between Hindi and the dialect spoken in the particular state.  

On the other hand, B.A Hons lets you specialize from an array of subjects. Here is a list -
● English - You will specialize in the English language. You will learn about literature and become an expert in the semantics of grammar.

● Journalism - You learn in detail about the various modes of communication such as newspaper, magazines, cinema, film, radio, television etc. You also understand the practices by which you convey information to the audience.

● Politics - You learn about political behaviour, national & international politics, public administration, governmental policies, international relations and public affairs.

● Psychology - You will study about the process & nature of mind, and other human aspects such as motives, feelings, reactions, group thinking and motivation.

● History - You will learn about the ancient, medieval and contemporary history of India and the rest of the world.

● Geography - You will learn about the geographical landscape of India. If you opt for this specialization, you can pursue your career as a geologist.

3. What are the career prospects?

After graduating in B.A., you lead a promising career in the following areas, depending upon your specialization -

● Media and Journalism
● Banks
● Content Marketing
● Geology
● PR Firms
● Educational Institutes
● Archaeology

In these fields, you can hold one of the prominent positions -

● Administrative officer
● Business Administrator
● Political Manager
● Journalist
● Teacher /Professor
● Writer
● Information system manager
● Human resource manager

Remember that more than choosing a stream, the effort you put in your studies will determine the kind of career you will have. Joining one of the best degree colleges in Bangalore to study Arts is the first step. Choose a specialization that fits you and aim for the stars!

Everything you need to know about PhD in Pharmacy

There is no higher degree in education than getting a doctorate. It is the ultimate proof of your mastery in your subject. The wealth of knowledge you possess will make companies or educational institutes consult you for your expertise or services. Thus, your skillset will command great respect in the market.

If you wish to achieve this recognition in Pharmacy, you must pursue your Ph.D. from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore. Here’s everything you need to know about Ph.D. in Pharmacy.

1. What is a Ph.D. in Pharmacy?

Ph.D. in Pharmacy is a four-year doctoral course where you can extensively do research about your discipline and present your thesis for the same. The specializations offered are Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Pharmaceutics.

To be eligible for this course, you must complete your M.Pharm from a recognized university and secure not less than 50% on aggregate. You may also have to appear in entrance exams for a few colleges.

Let’s take a detailed look at the three disciplines you can specialize in.

2. Which are the offered specializations?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a blend of chemistry and pharmacology. You will study and research about the numerous properties, synthesis, and production of drugs. The doctorate also provides an understanding of pharmaceutical drug designing.

Pharmacology - Pharmacology is the study of how natural or human-made drugs affect the cells and tissues of the human body. It encompasses disciplines such as Physiology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience, and Molecular Biology.

In your research, you will -

● Evaluate new generation of antibiotics.
● Review all aspects of drugs.
● Find out the best drugs for treating humans and animals.
● Discover the chemical mechanisms of cells and molecules.
● Understand the existing drugs act

Pharmaceutics - Pharmaceutics is the study of converting old or new drugs into safe and effective medication. Aspects such as drug formulation, disposition, delivery, and clinical response will be a significant part of your research. You will also investigate the effects of inadequate exposure to drugs. Thus, you will be able to differentiate between the pharmacological and toxic impact.

3. What are the career prospects after completing this course?

After becoming a doctorate in your preferred discipline, you can land one of the following job profiles -

1. Pharmacy Manager - You will be in charge of reviewing, directing, and advising on pharmacy procedures. You can also assist in mixing, compounding, and dispensing medicines to the patients. You starting salary will be in the range of INR 7 to 8 lacs.

2. Clinical Pharmacist - You will be working with other pharmacists and make sure to provide your patients with proper medication.

3. Professor - You can use your broader range of knowledge to educate younger pharmacists.

By reading the above-mentioned information, you have a complete overview of a Ph.D. in Pharmacy. So, what are you waiting for? Pursue your doctorate from a pharmacy college in Bangalore and lead a successful pharmaceutical career!

UG courses in economics you can pursue after 12th commerce PUC

Economics is one of the main pillars of commerce PUC. It encompasses the essence of commerce, as the subject focuses on trading, distribution, and business transactions. As a result, studying this subject gives you the opportunity to pursue a career in this field. For that, there are various courses to choose after graduating from a top PUC college in Bangalore or any other city. Here are some of them.

1. BSc in Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics or B.Sc Economics is a three-year undergraduate program that will teach you about economic principles, fundamentals and analysis. While pursuing this degree, you will also learn about the pedagogy of economic development and how it affects different sectors. You will gain an understanding of the use of natural resources, consumption of goods and services, an equilibrium of demand & supply in the market, macroeconomics and microeconomics.

After completing this course, you can pursue a career in banking, finance or work for the government. In case you wish to pursue further studies, you can opt for an MSc in Economics.

2. B.Com (Applied Economics)

The field of applied economics applies age-old and contemporary economic theories and principles to real-world situations with the desire to predict possible outcomes. Economists back these outcomes with detailed explanations and numbers, which helps them prove or disprove theories.

If you wish to make a career in applied economics, you can opt for a B.Com (Applied Economics). It is a three-year undergraduate course, designed to meet the evolving need for an analytical and quantitative approach to a problem. This course will equip you with the economic understanding and requisite skills needed to apply the economic principles for the optimal distribution of resources.

3. B.Com (Business Economics)

The field of business economics deals with the uses of economic theory and quantitative methods to analyze business enterprises. It incorporates factors that contribute to organizational diversity, and the relationships of firms with labour, capital and product markets.

Since the need for professionals with an understanding of business economics is a never-ending requirement, you can be one of them. Opting for B.Com (Business Economics) is an ideal way to process. It is a three-year undergraduate course that will inculcate you with business acumen in relation to business economics. You will also become familiar with subjects such as cost accounting, organizational behaviour, micro and macroeconomics.

Hope this blog provides you with enough information to make well-informed career decision after completing your PUC from the best college in Bangalore or elsewhere. Good luck!

Monday 14 October 2019

Specializations you can choose in M.Sc. Nursing

Every profession demands its employees to show competency in performing their responsibilities. A career in nursing is no different. Hospitals and clinics require their nurses to illustrate maximum efficiency throughout their working hours for the welfare of the patients. From administering medicines on time to fulfilling the needs of patients, a nurse must have the requisite skills to succeed in these tasks.

If you’re an aspiring nurse looking to work in the top hospitals or clinics, you must fulfil the responsibilities mentioned above. An excellent way to proceed is to pursue an M.Sc. Nursing from the best nursing college in Bangalore or elsewhere, where you will gain a holistic understanding of this field. Moreover, you can choose your area of specialization. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Medical-Surgical Nursing

Medical-surgical nursing is a specialty area that concerns with adult care and patient recovery. While medical-surgical nursing is an entry-level position, you can use it as a stepping stone to venture into other speciality areas.

As a medical-surgical nurse, you will have the following responsibilities -

● Administering medicines to patients, informing their families about patient’s progress, discharging patients, and admitting new ones.
● Demonstrating high-level thinking, vast knowledge of the human body and diseases, robust management skills, and keeping a calm-head
● Show compassion towards their patients while keeping them in a positive mindset.
● Constant coordination with doctors over patient care and drug administration.  

Apart from hospitals, you can work in clinics, emergency departments, surgical centres, humanitarian relief work, and skilled nursing homes.

2. OBG Nursing

Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing (OBG), also known as midwifery nursing, is the science and profession of dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. OBG nursing also focuses on the caring of a childbearing woman and her family throughout the pregnancy and the first four weeks after birth.

As an OBG Nurse, you will have the following responsibilities -

● Take care of the mother and her babies.
● Supervise, care and advice to women during their pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period.
● Demonstrate efficiency in a natural or cesarean birth.
● Detect complications in mother and child, if any, and carry out emergency measures for the same.
● Counsel women, their families and communities about pregnancy and childbirth.
● Promote women’s health and childcare.

3. Paediatric Nursing

Paediatric Nursing is the medical care of children up to adolescence, in hospitals or clinics. As a paediatric nurse, your primary role would be to administer medicines to children as per the prescribed nursing care plan. You must continuously communicate with children to make them less anxious and carry out the procedure smoothly. It will also help in creating an environment which makes patients and their families comfortable.

Your other responsibilities would be -

● Handing injuries or illnesses with calmness.
● Stabilizing patients through comfort and care.
● Diagnosing patients’ conditions and providing an immediate solution.
● Keeping up with the fast-paced working environment.
● Provide constant updates to families and assure them of their loved ones’ progress.
● Learning to control emotions despite understanding the despair of the patient.

By reading this information, you can make a well-informed career decision after graduating from a nursing college in Bangalore or elsewhere. Good luck!

Friday 11 October 2019

Careers you can pursue after opting for computer science in PUC

Upon joining the best PUC college in Bangalore or elsewhere, you must choose the correct combination to do well in your stream. In case you’re a science student, the compulsory subjects are Physics, Chemistry, and Math, while you can choose the fourth subject between Computer Science, Electronics and Biology. If you want Computer Science, you must know a possible career path that lies in front of you. Hence, here’s everything you need to know about Careers you can pursue after opting for computer science in PUC.

But first, let’s know what computer science is.

1. What is computer science?

In PUC, your computer science syllabus will consist of both hardware and software concepts.

The hardware section consists of topics such as the overview of computers, input, output, & memory devices, data representation, etc. The course will also introduce you to binary coding languages such as BCD, EBCDIC, ASCII, Excess-3, etc.

When it comes to the software section, you will be learning about operating systems, their functionality, problem analysis, algorithms, flowcharts, etc. Furthermore, you will learn in detail about the numerous concepts of C++, such as operators, arrays, functions, structures, etc.

These concepts will lay the base for you to pursue undergraduate courses related to computer science. Let’s have a look at a few.

2. Which are the undergraduate courses you can pursue?

B.Tech in Computer Science - One of the most popular engineering courses in the country, you can pursue a B.Tech in Computer Science in your graduation. It is a four-year undergraduate course, where you will learn advanced hardware and software concepts.

To pursue this course from a reputed college/university, you will have to appear for engineering entrance exams. Some of the popular ones are JEE Main, JEE Advanced, MH-CET, etc.

B.Sc in Computer Science - If only the software section of computer science interests you, then you can pursue B.Sc in Computer Science. It is a three-year undergraduate course that covers many software programming languages such as C++, Java, HTML, SQL, etc. These languages are popular in the market, and students learning these languages get quickly recruited by top software companies. Therefore, a B.Sc in Computer Science will act as the perfect platform for you to pursue a career in coding.

Now, let’s look at the job profiles you can pursue.

3. What are the career prospects after completing your graduation?

After completing your graduation, you can land one of the following job profiles -

● Programmer
● Software Developer
● Software tester
● System Manager
● Web Designer

As a fresher, your starting salary will range between Rs 5 lacs per annum to Rs 9 lacs per annum. However, you will see an increment in your salary after gaining substantial experience over time.

If you wish to pursue further education, you can opt for one of the following courses -

● M.Tech in Computer Engineering
● M.Sc in Computer Science.
● Masters in Computer Applications.

We hope you have enough information to make an informed decision before pursuing this subject from a top PUC college in Bangalore. All the best!

Six good reasons to take Physiotherapy as your career

If you’re considering taking noble fields such as physiotherapy as your career, then you must not require any persuasion. You can also find several best physiotherapy college in Bangalore and also in other cities of India. However, just in case you need a little push in taking physiotherapy as your career, here are six compelling reasons to pursue it:

1. Be the helper to the needy

Humans are prone to deal with health issues. With a modern sedentary lifestyle, people are frequently testifying their sufferings in functional movements of their body parts. You can become the one who takes a stand to eradicate all such miseries from people's life. Physiotherapy is capable of bringing priceless changes to our lives by diminishing the pain we feel daily. Moreover, critical health problems such as arthritis and cystic fibrosis can be adequately treated with physiotherapy.

In short, by studying physiotherapy, you can be the helper to the needy and let them reap the benefits of your mastery.

2. Renowned and Credible Profession

Involving such noble work of helping people getting rid of the pain, physiotherapists are mostly honored with lots of praise and respect by society. There’s a straightforward detail you must remember, which is ‘People like people who help people.’

3. Dive into the practicability of the human body

Although there’s a lot to learn theoretically for physiotherapists, most of their learnings come by performing practicals only. In physiotherapy, the weightage of practical learning is more than vocational training. Therefore, most of the institutes offering degrees in this field render opportunities of clinical placements for their students.

4. Future Graduate Prospects

Developing a skill by graduating in it is undoubtedly a way to secure future job opportunities in the field.  There are impressively high graduate prospects for students pursuing graduation in physiotherapy. Several surveys suggest that a course in physiotherapy effectively provide students with relevant skills that will always be in demand.  

5. Serve Your Passion for Sports

If you’ve ever had a knack of pursuing a career in sports, then physiotherapy can undoubtedly help you in doing so. Jobs in the field of sports are difficult to come by, but if you’re studying for a degree in physiotherapy, the probabilities of you working in the field of sports will be high. Without professional and skilled physiotherapists, the sports team members might house long term injuries. Hence, physiotherapists are mostly a mandatory part of any sports team.

6. Get a decent salary

Investing in a degree to learn physiotherapy will not only help you serve other people but will also help you earn a decent salary. Jobs for physiotherapists are available in both the public and private sectors. Therefore, there’s a lot for qualified physiotherapists to gain.

These were the six most compelling reasons for you to study physiotherapy. You can find the top and best physiotherapy college in Bangalore to pursue a fulltime bachelor's or masters in it.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Everything you need to know about Pharm D - PB

After graduating in B.Pharm from one of the pharmacy colleges in India, you can either opt to work or pursue a master’s degree. If you choose the latter, it allows you to gain more knowledge about pharmacy, improve your skill set and specialize in a discipline to lead a fruitful career in it. One such PG course that covers all these aspects is Pharm D - PB. Here’s everything you need to know about this course.

1. What is Pharm D - PB?

Doctor of Pharmacy – Post Baccalaureate, or Pharm D - PB, is a three-year postgraduate course that focuses on knowledge of medicines and advanced clinical abilities.

To be eligible for this course, you must graduate with a B.Pharm degree from a recognized university. You can also graduate in equivalent bachelor's courses, recognized by the pharmacy council of India.

2. Which subjects will you study?

In its three year duration, the course is divided into two phases. Phase 1 consists of two academic years where you will learn the following subjects -

● Pharmaceutics - It is a discipline that deals with the conversion of a new or old drug into suitable medication for productive use.

● Pharmaceutical Chemistry - It is the study of drugs, which includes aspects such as development, absorption, metabolism rate, etc.

● Pharmacognosy - It is the study of medication obtained from plants and other natural resources.

● Biochemistry - It is the study of chemical processes in living organisms at a cellular and molecular level.

● Clinical Pathology - It is the study of diagnosing diseases by analyzing bodily fluids such as blood, urine, and tissue homogenates. The tools used in this analysis are chemistry, microbiology, and molecular pathology.

● Pharmacology - It is the study of drug actions based on their types, such as human-made, natural, or an endogenous molecule which shows a biochemical or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism.

● Toxicology - It is a discipline that concerns the study of adverse effects toxins have on living organisms and finding a cure for the same. Toxicology overlaps other disciplines such as biology, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine.

● Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence - It is the study of laws regulating the profession of pharmacy in India.

● Pathophysiology - It is the study of physiological processes associated with disease or injury.

In phase 2, you will undertake an internship or residency training in your third year. Here, you will learn about pharmacy practice and pharmacy services. You will also acquire skills, which will make you capable of functioning independently.

3. What are the career prospects?

After completing your post graduation, companies will hire you under the following capacities -

● Consultant
● Professor
● Clinical Pharmacist
● Drug Inspector
● Analytical Chemist
● Researcher
● Retail Pharmacist
● Hospital Pharmacy Director
● Hospital Staff Pharmacist

If reading the information mentioned above convinces you to pursue this course, seek it from one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore or elsewhere.