Tuesday, 5 February 2019

How to excel in your B. Com exams without losing your mind

With exams just around the corner, you need to pull up your socks and get ready to give your best. To help you excel in one of the B. Com colleges in Bangalore or any other city, we have a few tips for you. Keep reading to learn how to study for your B. Com exams without stressing too much. 

1. Take one step at a time 

To understand each concept properly, take baby steps. You can start by studying small quantities of syllabus every day. Make sure you do not surround yourself with books, notes and papers which you don’t require that time. 

2. Make a cheat sheet 

As a commerce student, you will have to keep in mind several single and dual entries, methods, and more. To ensure you remember all of this, make a cheat sheet. Here, you can note down formulae and important methods. Before your accounting exam, all you need to do is skim through it. 

3. Do not stretch for over one hour 

According to a study, our brains cannot concentrate on the same thing for over 45 minutes. This is why you should deactivate and reactivate yourself after every 45-60 minutes. 

4. Regular intervals are a must 

Studying continuously for 10-12 hours can exhaust anyone. If you are exhausted, your concentration level will automatically drop. This will eventually hamper your performance during exams. To avoid all of this, take a 5 to 10 minutes break after every 1 hour. 

5. Use creative techniques 

Some students love studying while there are some who might do anything, but study. If you belong in the second category, use creative ways to understand and learn concepts. For example, read your textbooks like you are reading a dramatic play. This can make it fun and help you memorise concepts. 

6. Mock papers can be a saving grace 

Want to know where you stand before an exam? Solve mock question papers. This will help you understand the time you need, your strengths, weaknesses and more. 

7. Create a subject learning pattern 

While studying in a B. Com college in Bangalore, you will study subjects such as Accounting, Organisational Commerce, Business Communication, Economics and more. To understand each subject properly, divide your study time into three categories: memory-dependant, problem-solving and interpretation-based. By alternating your time between each category, you will remember information better.

8. Sleep well 

To make the most of the tips mentioned above, you need to be well-rested. Make sure you sleep at least for 8 hours every day.

These are simple tips that can help you excel in one of the best degree colleges in Bangalore. Remember, a good score in your exam can take you closer to your dream career. So, make sure you study hard!


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