Monday, 30 July 2018

Top Five In-Demand Coding Languages

The software development industry is a dynamic field wherein new programming languages, frameworks and technologies come and go. Therefore, developers constantly need to master new skills and languages to stay relevant. Best degree colleges in Bangalore and other cities conduct various BCA programs that teach their students the latest languages and skills they will need to succeed in this industry. However, it is always better to know the in-demand coding languages before you step into college.
1. Java
Java saw a decrease of 6000 job postings in the year 2018, however, it still is an extremely well-established and widely used coding language. All Android apps are based on Java and 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java for backend development.
2. Python
Python increased in popularity by about 5000 job opportunities since 2017. This language is mostly used in scientific computing, data mining, and machine learning. Experts say that the growing demand of machine learning developers is increasing the popularity of Python.
3. JavaScript
This particular language is just as popular as it was in the year 2017. This is no surprise because more than 80% developers and 95% of all website use this coding language. Experts say various front-end frameworks for this language such as React and AngularJS have great future potential as IoT grows in popularity.
4. C++
This language also stayed as popular as it was last year. C++ is used for system software, game development, and client-server application to name a few. However, many programmers find C++ to be very complicated to learn and use, and are starting to prefer Python or JavaScript.
5. C#
C# fell in popularity slightly in the year 2018. This object-oriented language from Microsoft was designed to run on the .NET platform. It is also extensively used for video game developments.
For those of you, who want to be a software developer, it's important that you choose a language that is growing in popularity. Apart from referring to the above list, you should also enrol in a BCA college in Bangalore or any other city.

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